Parent's Review of Escola Americana, Brasilia (EAB) in Brasilia, Brazil
What is the name of your child's school? (Please report on one school per survey.)
Escola Americana, Brasilia (EAB)
In what town or city is this school located?
How would you describe this school? (i.e. American, British, International, Local, etc.)
Pseudo-American (the school is about 65% affluent Brazilians, and 35% Internationals). English is supposed to be the only language spoken there, but the Brazilian kids are allowed to speak Portuguese, especially in inappropriate situations, with impunity.
What grade levels are represented at this school?
Pre-K through 12th Grade.
How do most children get to school everyday? (bus, train, walk, etc.)
Bus or driver (it is located in a school sector rather than in a residential area).
How would you describe the facilities at this school? What extra-curricular activities are available?
The facilities are minimal, especially the library, which in my opinion, compared to standard public school libraries, is downright poor. After-school activities are available, but can be expensive. Sports are limited (i.e., no American football). There is no uniform policy, which would probably help bridge the division between the internationals, and the Brazilians. But that wouldn't do much in itself, until other discriminatory practices are resolved. The Brazilians are proud of the fact they have "control" over the international community, and can force the Americans especially to subsidize their kids' educations.
What has this school done to help your child transition from the curriculum in your home country into the curriculum in your new country? Are there programs to prepare your child for repatriation?
Absolutely nothing.
How would you describe the social activities available for parents through this school? Are there parent-teacher organizations?
There is a PTSO, but it is the international community that carries the burden for the entire school, which is 65% Brazilian,who, with very few individual exceptions, do not volunteer because it is not in their vocabulary (or culture).
What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling their child in this school?
Don't do it!! Discrimination is the name of the game the Brazilians play at EAB. They pay a little more than $6,000 U.S. equivalent, while internationals and Americans pay $18,000 U.S. per year. The political climate is such that the US Embassy (the organization which chartered the school) will neither support parent and student desires to have a good education, nor the changes necessary to attain the same. Internationals, other than Americans, are forced to pay in US Dollars (which means they must somehow convert their money), while Brazilians pay in Reais. In short, you'll be paying big bucks to subsidize the affluent Brazilians' education, while your children receive a marginal education at best. It's not enough we foot the bill for the school, but when something like 9-11 occurs, it's totally permissible for the Brazilian students to tell the American students, "You Americans got what you deserve!" If we had known the truth about the school situation, which the Office of Overseas Schools works very hard to suppress, we never would have come here.

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