Parent's Review of Seoul Foreign BRITISH School in Seoul, Korea
What is the name of your child's school? (Please report on one school per survey.)
Seoul Foreign BRITISH School
In what town or city is this school located?
How would you describe this school? (i.e. American, British, International, Local, etc.)
What grade levels are represented at this school?
How do most children get to school everyday? (bus, train, walk, etc.)
School bus - check if there are spaces on buses in your area before you choose between multiple housing, especially if you are arriving late
How would you describe the facilities at this school? What extra-curricular activities are available?
Large outdoor sport and playground facilities shared within SFS Campus, indoor swimming pool. Great extra-curricular activities
What has this school done to help your child transition from the curriculum in your home country into the curriculum in your new country? Are there programs to prepare your child for repatriation?
Learning support team in Literacy, ELL - English Language Learners, Numeracy support team -working mainly within the class numeracy lesson times.
How would you describe the social activities available for parents through this school? Are there parent-teacher organizations?
For those who are interested there are many things to do, either to join the PTA or to attend one of many PTA activities. School is quite busy from the start of the year, providing PLENTY of opportunities for new parents to mingle.
What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling their child in this school?
Considering school fees and location. Eventhough Itaewon and Hannam-dong areas are very popular among Expats(great for biking to Hangan park or Seoul Forest park, dining, bars etc.) there are other areas a bit closer to school to consider. Depending how active your kids are going to be in their afterschool activities only children Y5 + can get on a late bus otherwise you have to drive them which it might take you 1 hour each way . There are also quite few families living close to school and due to its proximity paarents are more involved in Saturdays sports activities arranged on campus.

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