Parent's Review of Ambergris Caye Elementary School in San Pedro Town, Belize
What is the name of your child's school? (Please report on one school per survey.)
Ambergris Caye Elementary School
In what town or city is this school located?
San Pedro Town
How would you describe this school? (i.e. American, British, International, Local, etc.)
Mix of Local and American
What grade levels are represented at this school?
Infant 1-Std 6 (Kindergarten-8th grade)
How do most children get to school everyday? (bus, train, walk, etc.)
A mix of taxis, walking, biking, golf carts
How would you describe the facilities at this school? What extra-curricular activities are available?
Clubs and sports are available after school
What has this school done to help your child transition from the curriculum in your home country into the curriculum in your new country? Are there programs to prepare your child for repatriation?
English is the primary language taught in but Spanish is taken as well from Infant 1 in addition to national exams and high school preparation.
How would you describe the social activities available for parents through this school? Are there parent-teacher organizations?
There is a PTA as well as good interaction between parents and teachers regularly in group chats.
What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling their child in this school?
It is a great opportunity for small class sizes with a diverse background of students. The school values diversity and helps children understand the value in every child.

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