An Expat Talks about Moving to Tianjin, China, China
What is the name of the city or town that you are reporting on?
Tianjin, China
How did you choose your neighborhood and find your home or apartment?
One way to find a place to live in Tianjin is to use a property listing website such as 5i5j, soufun, or wuba. These websites list apartments, houses, and other types of places to rent in Tianjin. The websites also list information such as the area of Tianjin, the rent and the size of the space. Additionally, some websites have maps to help you find the area that you are searching for. Additionally, it is also possible to find a place to live in Tianjin by connecting with others who already live in the city. Joining online expat communities like Tianjin Expat or attending local events such as International Cultural Exchange Events are two ways to meet potential contacts who may be able to help you find a place to rent.
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