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An Expat Parent Reviews American School in Japan (K-12) in Tokyo, Japan, Report 10073 | Expat Exchange
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Parent's Review of American School in Japan (K-12) in Tokyo, Japan

What is the name of your child's school? (Please report on one school per survey.)

American School in Japan (K-12)

In what town or city is this school located?


How would you describe this school? (i.e. American, British, International, Local, etc.)

American / International

What grade levels are represented at this school?


How do most children get to school everyday? (bus, train, walk, etc.)

"ASIJ's well-maintained fleet of buses and efficient transportation system bring over a 1000 students to school each day, and provides transportation home when classes finish. There are also several later buses for riders involved in after-school activities. Over 100 High School students trained as bus monitors help ensure that all students enjoy a safe and pleasant ride. " (ASIJ website)

How would you describe the facilities at this school? What extra-curricular activities are available?

Out of all the international schools in Tokyo, ASIJ has one of the greatest facilies and the ASIJ Campus is HUGE campared to anyother campus in Tokyo. More info: http://www.asij.ac.jp/about_asij/room.htm

What has this school done to help your child transition from the curriculum in your home country into the curriculum in your new country? Are there programs to prepare your child for repatriation?

Everything. All the teachers, support staff, and the counselors are very supportive. There is a program in the high school called ambassadors, where high school students help newcomers with fitting in. But the thing is we didn't need much "fitting in" because ASIJ has a very similar atmosphere to the school back in the US.

How would you describe the social activities available for parents through this school? Are there parent-teacher organizations?

ASIJ has a great parent-teacher program. They help out in everything. Social activities amongst parents is very common. The school has a parent "book club" organized by parents, and they have "teas" and other events for parents.

What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling their child in this school?

come and visit!

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