Doctors in Vienna
Summary: An extensive list of English-speaking doctors in Vienna for expats and global nomads living in Vienna.
Expats searching for doctors in Vienna may use the links below to find English-speaking doctors in Vienna by specialty. Many of the doctor on this list were provided by the US Embassy in Vienna as a helpful reference for Americans in Vienna. The US Embassy does not endorse these doctors. Other English-speaking doctors requested inclusion. Expat Exchange publishes this list for informational purposes and does not endorse any specific doctors.
- Medical Groups in Vienna
- General Practitioners in Vienna
- Anesthesiologists & Intensive Care Doctors in Vienna
- Chiropractors in Vienna
- Dermatologists in Vienna
- ENT Doctors in Vienna
- Gynecologists & Obstetricians in Vienna
- Internists in Vienna
- Neurologists & Neurosurgeons in Vienna
- Oncologists in Vienna
- Opthamologists in Vienna
- Orthopedists & Orthopedic Surgeons in Vienna
- Pediatricians & Pediatric Surgeons in Vienna
- Psychiatrists & Psychologists in Vienna
- Radiologists in Vienna
- Surgeons in Vienna
- Urologists in Vienna
Medical Groups in Vienna
Ambulatorium Augarten, Dr. Wolfgang Molnar (medical director and U.S. Embassy panel physician), Untere Augartenstrasse 1-3/IV/1/5, 1020 Vienna, Austria, Tel.: 330 34 68, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, general practitioners, acupuncture, gynecology, internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry, orthopedics and orthopedics surgery; accepts credit cards; English fluent.
Health Consult Team, Freyung 6, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 79580-8000, Fax: 79580-8019, homepage:, e-mail: [email protected], Medical Director: Dr. Helge Richter, general practitioners, occupational medicine doctors, ophthalmologists, registered dietician/nutritionist, gynecologist, cardiologist, physical medicine specialist, psychologists, psychotherapists, exercise physiologists, dentists; English fluent.
Private Hospital Döbling, Heiligenstädter Straße 55-63, 1190 Wien. Medicine and Cardiology. More Information. In case of emergency (24/7 coverage): please contact: Akutversorgung Privatklinik Döbling: +43 1 360 66-5599
The Mind Institute, Märzstrasse 104, 1150 Vienna. Tel: 06991 317 6011, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: Practice Director: Dr. Matthew Shorrock. Native English speaking psychotherapists, psychologists and coaches. Daytime, evenings and weekends. Individuals, couples and groups. Dedicated services for expatriates. Specializations include: addictions, depression, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, relationship difficulties and trauma.
Praxis am Stubenring, Rosenbursenstrasse 8/3/7, 1010 Vienna. Medical directors: Prof. Martin Langer (obstetrician/gynecologist), Tel.: 406 99 09, senior registrar at the Medical University of Vienna; pregnancy monitoring and treatment, specializes in risk pregnancies, gynecologic check-ups, all operations, including minimally invasive surgery and breast surgery; and Thomas Winkler M.D. (general and visceral surgeon, vascular surgery); close collaboration with the UN Medical Clinic / Vienna International Center and fiduciary doctor of Van Breda; specializing in endoscopy – gastroscopy and colonoscopy, minimally invasive, laparoscopic and tumor surgery of all intraabdominal organs, hernia repair, treatment of hemorrhoids, diagnosis and treatment of reflux disease (GERD) and thyroid issues, Tel.: 0676/ 402 01 22, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: English fluent. Detailed presentations of services offered: Medicine Vienna Your Exclusive Healthcare in the Heart of Vienna.
Service Department for Foreign Patients, Vienna Medical Association, Weihburggasse 10-12, 1010 Vienna, hotline Tel.: 5139595 during daytime, after hours emergency Tel.: 141, Medical Service for Foreign Patients, 24 Hours, all specialties.
Praxis Margareten, Ziegelofengasse 41/14, 1050 Vienna, Tel.: 0680/2026578, homepage:, offers the services of a GP, a senior consultant in the field of oncology and several therapists (psychology, speech therapy, dietology, physiotherapy, nurse, traditional Chinese medicine); English fluent.
Vienna Airport Health Center GmbH, Office Park 3 Objekt 682, Bauteil 2, 4. Stock, Postfach 1, 1300 Airport – Vienna

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General Practitioners in Vienna
Dr. Tamas Csáky-Pallavicini, Praterstrasse 25A/3/26, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 408 01 20, Fax: 890 49 68, mobile phone (for emergencies any time): 0664/465 50 77, e-mail: [email protected], general practitioner, special interests: analysis and counseling in any difficult diagnostics, therapeutic, psychic & ethical problems, clinical investigation, home and hotel sick visits; English fluent (also Hungarian and Spanish).
Dr. Sophia Herbsthofer, Krottenbachstrasse 82-86/2/25, 1190 Vienna, phone: 0676 329 66 40, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, special interests: family medicine, preventive medicine, common infections, vaccinations; driver’s license medical examination (certified Sachverständiger); English native speaker.
Dr. Gottfried Hönlinger, Stuwerstrasse 22, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 728 00 91; homepage: English fluent.
Dr. Richard Hornich, Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 71, 1130 Vienna, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, Tel.: 877 92 44; English fluent.
Dr. Caroline Kunz, Blaasstrasse 19, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 369 49 17, specialized in treatment of burn-out syndrome, panic and psychosomatic disorders; e-mail: [email protected], homepage:; English fluent.
Dr. Andreas Kurzreiter, Schelleingasse 26, 1040 Vienna, Tel.: 504 33 30, e-mail: Dr. Kurzreiter/, homepage:, general practitioner, special interest in chiropractics; English fluent.
Dr. Wolfgang Molnar, (medical director and U.S. Embassy panel physician), Untere Augartenstrasse 1-3/IV/1/5, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 330 34 68, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:; English fluent (see also medical group above).
Dr. Jose M. Ozcariz Eizaguirre, Weyringergasse 10/6, 1040 Vienna, Tel.: 402 37 35, Fax: 402 89 23, mobile phone: 0664/446 60 50, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, trained general practitioner with 9 years' experience in the U.K; special interest in travel advice and vaccinations, tropical medicine, hygiene; Spanish and English fluent.
Dr. Hemanta Shumshere Rana, Werdertorgasse 17/1. DG./Top 15, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 27 65 101, Fax: 27 65 101, mobile phone: 0650 823 88 11, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, general practitioner, acupuncture, medical check-up for Driver’s license; English fluent.
Dr. Rudolf Rauch, Währingerstrasse 60, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 310 89 78, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, special interest in chiropractics and acupuncture; English fluent.
Dr. Barbara Steyrer-Fauth, M.D., Maria-Treugasse 2/15, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 0660/739 3953, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, General Practitioner specializing in Ayurveda medicine (Middlesex University, London), Health Coaching (George Washington University, Washington D.C.); English fluent.
Dr. Lawrence Wapnah, Vollbadgasse 1a, 1170 Vienna, Tel.: 0664 30 666 50, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, special interest in arthritis (and joint injections); asthma and obstructive airways disease; children (all ages); common infections; depression and anxiety; diabetes (all types); (formally a Director for Diabetes in the State of Western Australia); heart problems including atrial fibrillation and heart failure; hypertension / blood pressure management; osteoporosis; pain management; pregnancy; skin cancer checks (including minor surgery (no facial or cosmetic surgery)); thyroid problems; travel medicine and vaccinations for all age groups; English native speaker.
Dr. Bernhard Zeilinger, Ottakringerstrasse 35/5a, 1160 Vienna, Tel.: 405 01 16, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: Special fields of interest: family medicine, chiropractic, neural therapy; English fluent.
Anesthesiologists & Intensive Care Doctors in Vienna
Dr. Christian Merhaut, Lannerstrasse 5, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 367 66 66, head of the pain management center at the Vienna Danube Hospital (SMZ Ost) Hospital; English fluent.
Chiropractors in Vienna
Dr. Kenneth E. Saari, Opernring 1, Stg. E, Top 231, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 0699 172 172 99, doctor of chiropractic, homepage:, English native speaker.
Dermatologists in Vienna
Dr. Rolf G. Fialla, Bürgerspitalgasse 21/1/7, 1060 Vienna, Tel.: 596 23 77, homepage, general dermatology, special emphasis on aesthetic medicine, early recognition of skin cancer and melanoma; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Edgar Diem, Schwarzspanierstrasse 16/III/9, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 406 51 66, homepage, also doctor for angelology (study of blood vessels); English adequate.
Dr. Helmut Leonhartsberger, Praterstraße 10/5, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 214 13 86, homepage, general dermatology and STD’s; English good.
Prof. Dr. Robert Loewe, Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 40114-5701, general dermatology, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:; English fluent.
Dr. Gerhard Mooseder, Colonel, Göllnergasse 2-4/2/13, 1030 Vienna, mobile phone: 0676/5974 722, and Military Hospital, Brünnerstr. 238, 1210 Vienna, Tel.: 5200-65340, homepage, general dermatology; English fluent.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Ichiro Okamoto, Ordinationszentrum Confraternität, Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 40114, ext. 5701, 5702 or 5703, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer, surgical dermatology, inflammatory diseases and general dermatology (including atopic dermatitis, eczema); English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Hubert Pehamberger, Währingerstrasse 132a, 1180 Vienna, Tel.: 470 70 88, head of the melanoma unit/department of dermatology at the University Hospital of Vienna, homepage, specialist for skin cancer, nevi and early recognition of melanoma; English adequate.
Dr. Detlev Pirkhammer, Berggasse 4/9, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 409 49 86, homepage:, general dermatology; English good.
Prof.Dr. Klemens Rappersberger, Döblinger Hauptstrasse 24, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 440 69 25, Head of Dermatology, Danube Hospital (SMZ Ost); homepage:, English fluent.
Dr. Andreas Schindl, PhD, Schreyvogelg. 4/3/56, 1010 Vienna, mobile phone: 0676/ 370 68 40, homepage, Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine, dermatology, venereology, aesthetic dermatology, laser medicine and surgery; English fluent.
DDr. Martin Torzicky, MD PhD, Dommayergasse 2, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 280 68 88, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer, surgical dermatology, hair loss, general dermatology and anti-aging; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Wolff, Günthergasse 1, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 406 41 83, homepage:, head of the dermatology department at the Vienna General Hospital, U.S. training in immunology & dermatopathology; English fluent.
ENT Doctors in Vienna
Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Christoph Arnoldner, Altgasse 11, 1130 Vienna and Heiligenstädterstrasse 46-48, 1190 Vienna Tel.: 0650 93 09 556, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, Vice head of the Department of General Otolaryngology, Vienna General Hospital (AKH). Whole spectrum of ENT with emphasis on ear surgery, implantable hearing aids, sinus surgery and pediatric ENT. Fellowship trained at the University of Toronto, English fluent.
Dr. Guido A. Budik, Reisnerstrasse 18/20, 1030 Vienna, Tel.: 712 00 60, Fax: 712 00 60-60, e-mail: [email protected]; homepage:, English adequate.
Prim.Priv-Doz. Dr. Fritz Horak, MD, PD, Hütteldorferstrasse 44-46, 1150 Vienna, 9824121, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: Field/specialty: Allergy, pediatric pulmonology and allergology, Medical Director, Allergy Center Vienna West. English adequate.
Dr. Reinhard Kuersten, Opernring 4/2/6, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 512 60 11; homepage: English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Hans Neumann, Schwarzspanierstrasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 405 42 23; English adequate.
Prim. Prof. Dr. Christoph Reisser, Anton Langer-Gasse 7a, 1130 Vienna, mobile phone: 0664/390 76 50, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: medical director of the Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Hans Sachs Gasse 10-12, 1180 Vienna, all ENT-disorders, special emphasis on surgical hearing restoration (implantation of hearing aids), sinus surgery, lacrimal duct surgery, surgery of the salivary glands and oncological surgery. U.S. medical studies; English fluent.
OA Dr. Franz Windisch, Rechte Wienzeile 147, 1050 Vienna, mobile phone: 0680 5062740, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, ENT Consultant in KA Rudolfstiftung, 1030 Vienna, providing specialty services including surgery of ear, nose and throat, offering whole spectrum of ENT- diagnostics and surgery; English fluent.
Gynecologists & Obstetricians in Vienna
Dr. Michael Adam, MD, Head of Department at Semmelweis-Klinik, Heiligenstädterstrasse 217, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 370 62 22, Fax: 370 62 22 81, in case of emergency mobile phone: 0664/610 8302, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in gynecology and obstetrics, sexual medicine, psychosomatic medicine, unplanned pregnancy; English fluent.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Regine Ahner, MD, MPH, Operngasse 36/18, 1040 Vienna, appointments: 0699/128 63 221, homepage:, Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, US-trained (Weill Cornell Medical College, Harvard Medical School) OB/GYN; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Josef Deutinger, Zimmermannplatz 1, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 407 02 30, homepage specialized in ultrasound in Ob/Gyn and prenatal diagnosis; English fluent.
Dr. Valerian Edwabny, Wickenburggasse 19/12, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 513 47 48, specialized in Ob/Gyn, nutritional medicine, alternative medicine, ultrasound child gynecology, hormonal disorders, proctology, treatment of wrinkles, treatment of migraine; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Peter Husslein, Spitalgasse 27, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 405 52 39, homepage; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Kofler, Rooseveltplatz 13/1, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 405 14 14; English fluent.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kucera-Sliutz and Primarius Univ.Doz.Dr. Gerhard Sliutz, gynecologist and obstetrician, Agnesgasse 49, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 369 98 25, e-mail: [email protected], homepage (English, German, French and Russian), English fluent.
Dr. Ingrid Müller-Klingspor, Grinzingerstrasse 70, 1190 Vienna, homepage, Tel.: 370 31 31; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Erich Müller-Tyl, Heiligenstädterstrasse 51, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 368 69 00, homepage:, specialist in sterility treatment, hormonal treatment, ultrasound, surgery and obstetrics; English fluent.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Christian F. Singer, MD, MPH, Breast and Health, Heiligenstädterstrasse 46-48, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 360 66-8000, Fax: 360 66-8008, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in Ob/Gyn and breast cancer; English fluent.
Dr. Elisabeth Strahberger, Josefstädterstrasse 74/2-3, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 40 53 000, mobile phone: 0664/43 34 306, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in Ob/Gyn and in biofeedback; English fluent.
Dr. Stefan Zawodsky, Clemens Hofbauerplatz 5/13, 1170 Vienna, Tel.: 489 57 66, or Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland, Dornbacher Strasse 20-28, 1170 Vienna, Tel.: 400 88-0, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected], homepage, specialized in Ob/Gyn; English fluent.
Internists in Vienna
Dr. Eva Brownstone, Girardigasse 3/24, 1060 Vienna, Tel.: 587 36 36 or 0676/750 9555, homepage, internal medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology, gastrointestinal endoscopy; English fluent.
Dr. Veronika Biro, Skodagasse 32, 1180 Vienna, Tel.: 40114/5701, internal medicine, cardiology, special interest in diagnostic therapy of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, check-up, preoperative evaluation; English fluent.
Dr. Michel Feldner-Busztin, Maurichgasse 16/1/5, 1220 Vienna, Tel.: 203 25 65, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, internal medicine, special interest in diagnostic and therapy of cardiovascular diseases, broncho-pulmonary diseases, hypertension, check-up, preoperative evaluation; English native speaker.
Prof. Dr. Othmar Förster, Billrothstrasse 78, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 36 036-3000, homepage English fluent.
Dr. Fouad Simon Harik, Hohe Warte 33, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 318 56 55 or 318 56 57, homepage, specialized in rheumatology; English fluent.
Dr. Karl Irsigler, Serravagasse 15, 1140 Vienna, Tel.: 894 27 21, homepage specialized in endocrinology, nephrology and diabetes; English adequate.
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Paul Kneussl, Gloriettegasse 15, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 877 3183, homepage, specialized in pulmology; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kummer, Resselgasse 5/17, 1040 Vienna, Tel.: 505 44 45, homepage, internal medicine, primarily broncho-pulmonary diseases; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ludvik, Garnisongasse 11/6, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 405 92 95, mobile phone: 0664/308 6763, homepage, specialized in endocrinology, diabetes and lipid disorders; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Gerald Maurer, Mariannengasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 401 80 70 10 or 40 400 4614, homepage:, specialized in cardiology; English fluent.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Erich Minar, Department of Angiology/Medical University Vienna and New Vienna Private Clinic, Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 40 180 2310, mobile phone: 0676/603 2542, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in vascular medicine (vascular occlusive diseases, thrombosis, varicosis, stroke prevention, sonographic examinations); English fluent.
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Friedrich Mittermayer, MSc, Langegasse 67/9, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 402 0585, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in internal medicine (diabetes and endocrinology); English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Franz X. Pesendorfer, Alserstrasse 26, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 406 92 32, or Privatklinik Döbling, Tel.: 36 066/197, homepage:, specialized in gastroenterology and hepatology; English fluent.
Priv-Doz. Dr. Stefan Pfaffenberger, Lange Gasse 67/9, 1080 Vienna, Tel: 402 05 85, e-mail: [email protected], homepage. Specialist for cardiology and internal medicine. Offers examinations: ECG, exercise ECG, 24-hours-ECG (Holter-ECG, 5-days-ECG, event-recorder, echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart), carotis-duplex (ultrasound of carotid arteries), 24-hours blood pressure monitoring, treatment of hypertension, treatment of irregular heartbeat and atrial fibrillation, treatment after myocardial infarction, treatment of valvular heart disease, preventive medical checkup, treatment of cardiovascular risk factor. English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Popp, Heiligenstaedterstrasse 46-48, 1190 Vienna, mobile phone: 0664/ 10 50 363, homepage, specialized in pulmology; English fluent.
Dr. Ute Priglinger, Msc. Center for Holistic Medicine and Acupuncture, Bräuhausgasse 64/6/16, 1050 Vienna, Tel.: 0664 10 484 27, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in prevention – holistic diagnosis – holistic therapy of problems concerning pain, joints, immune system, digestion and bowel function, nutrition, stress, burn out syndrome, etc. methods: acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, mesotherapy, homeopathy, homotoxicology, detoxification, FX Mayr medicine, consultation on nutrition, orthomolecular medicine, laser therapy, psychological support; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Peter Probst, Sieveringerstrasse 54, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 320 54 52, homepage, specialized in cardiology; English fluent.
Dr. Christiane Schrutka-Kölbl, Barichgasse 22, 1030 Vienna, mobile phone: 0664/545 1245, homepage, specialized in gastroenterology and hepatology; English adequate.
Univ.Doz. Dr. Kurt Schütze, Franz Schalk Platz 1a, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 0664 5617872, homepage, specialized in gastroenterology; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Severin Schwarzacher, FACC, FAHA, Altgasse 20, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 879 7303, homepage, Private Clinic, Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 40114 5701, complete internal medicine and cardiology, arrhythmia, diabetes, psychosomatic; English mother tongue.
Dr. Andreas Wagner, Untere Augartenstrasse 8, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 216 17 99, homepage, specialized in cardiology; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Weiss MD PhD FESC, Specialist for Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine. Address: Wiedner Hauptstraße 45-47/3/24a, 1040 Wien; e-Mail: [email protected], Phone: +436607531758. Areas of expertise: Heart Conditions, Coronary artery disease, Angina pectoris, Elevated Blood pressure; Coronary Angiograms, Stents, etc.
Dr. Georg Zettinig, Thyroid Resources Center Vienna (Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt), Laudongasse 12/8, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 403 2920, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielinski, Ohmanngasse 26, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 408 60 20, e-mail: [email protected]/, homepage, specialized in hemato-oncology and rheumatology; English fluent.
Neurologists & Neurosurgeons in Vienna
Dr. Gerda Hess Feldner-Bustin, Neubaugasse 76/13, 1070 Vienna, Tel.: 523 50 60 or 523 76 55, homepage:, specialized in EEG, EMG, ultrasound of extra cranial vessels; English fluent.
Dr. Gabor Littasy, Habsburgergasse 4/3, 1010 Vienna, mobile phone: 0660 810 0369, homepage:, specialized in the treatment of uprooted syndrome, cultural shock therapy, depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders; English fluent.
Dr. Michaela Marko, Untere Augartenstrasse 1-3/IV/1/5, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 330 34 68; homepage, English fluent.
Oncologists in Vienna
Dr. David Kuczer, Ziegelofengasse 41/14, 1050 Vienna, Tel.: +43-680-2026578, homepage:,, email: [email protected]. Dr. Kuczer is a Specialist in Radiation Oncology and can offer you an expert opinion and state of the art cancer treatment. His partner for therapy is the Amethyst Radiotherapy Center located within the Wiener Privatklinik (Vienna Private Clinic), Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Vienna; English fluent.
Opthamologists in Vienna
Dr. Victor Derhartunian, Eyelaser Team, Opernring 1/Stiege R/5th floor, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 236 0 276, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, focus is general ophthalmology, laser vision correction and lens surgery (cataract) English fluent.
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Erdem Ergun, Herrengasse 6-8/8/4, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 06991/326 5263, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, medical retina specialist, focus on retinal disease, e.g. due to age-related macular degeneration, diabetes or retinal vascular disease, and also general eye care/exams for adults and children; practice fully equipped for diagnosis and laser surgery of the retina; Head of Retina Service, KA Sanatorium Hera hospital; English/German/Turkish trilingual.
Priv-Doz. Dr. Christine Isolde Falkner-Radler, MD, Medvienna Center, Sensengasse 3/1, 1090 Wien, Tel: 4061121-155, Fax: 4061121-500; Döbling Private Hospital, Doctors Office Center, Heiligenstädter Straße 46-48, 1190 Vienna, phone: +43-1-360-66-8000. E-mail: [email protected], homepage:, retina specialist and ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon, experienced cataract and retina surgeon, Senior Attending Ophthalmologist, the Rudolf Foundation Hospital; Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Cornell University, New York. English speaker.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Oliver Findl, Sterngasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 969 4020, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, specializing in routine eye exams, cataract surgery, glaucoma, vitreo retinal surgery, corneal transplantation, retinal changes due to diabetes or hypertension, dry eye syndrome; Chief of Department of Ophthalmology at the Vienna Hanusch Hospital. Apart from the practice in Vienna, Prof. Findl is holding a position as Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Europe’s largest ophthalmic institution, Moorfield's Eye Hospital, London, UK; English/German bilingual.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hauff, Paradisgasse 49, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 320 33 32, homepage, specialized in cataract surgery/ultrasound; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kruger, Währinger Strasse 3/4/17, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 40400/7947 or 402 00 53, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, specialized in eye surgery, i.e. cataract surgery and refractive surgery, laser surgery; English fluent.
Dr. Andreas Prangl-Grötzl, Mariahilferstrasse 95/2/29, 1060 Vienna, Tel.: 596 21 27, e-mail: [email protected],, English fluent.
Dr. Christian-Thomas Radda, Sieveringerstrasse 18/6, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 06508409208, homepage: homepage, specialized for cataract surgery and laser-myopia-surgery; English fluent.
Dr. Reinhard Schranz, Lange Gasse 72, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 408 19 66, mobile phone: 0663/919 5610, or Krankenhaus Lainz, Tel.: 801 10/2266; homepage:, English fluent.
Dr. Michael Tittl, Neubaugasse 44, 1070 Vienna, Tel.: 523 04 79, mobile phone: 0664/333 87 13 or 0664/403 24 62; homepageEnglish fluent.
Orthopedists & Orthopedic Surgeons in Vienna
Dr. Herbert Feldner-Busztin, Augasse 5-7, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 8902635, homepage, orthopedics, pediatric orthopedics, ultrasounds of the hip for newborns; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Florian Gottsauner-Wolf, Rudolfinerhaus, Billrothstrasse 78, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 360 36 6205, mobile phone: 0664/307 8337, homepage, specialized in orthopedic surgery; English fluent.
Dr. Albert Handlbauer, Orthopedic Hospital Vienna Speising, private office is located in Kupkagasse 5/1, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 0699/11 22 5151, homepage:, specialization is pediatric orthopedics, foot surgery, limb lengthening and deformity correction; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kotz, Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 408 77 44, homepage, specialized in orthopedic surgery; English fluent.
Dr. Ulrich Lanz, IOC Dip Sp Phy, Sportorthopädie Zentrum, Hietzinger Hauptstraße 22/D/23, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 01 361 55 38 or 0676 5265368 (only for medical emergencies), e-mail: [email protected]; homepage: and, specialized in shoulder surgery and sports orthopedic, extensive experience in general Orthopaedic trauma and all other joint and musculoskeletal pathology. English fluent.
Dr. Delio Peter Pramhas, specialist for orthopedics and orthopedic surgery, Rahlgasse 1/12, 1060 Vienna, Tel.: 01 587 21 31 and 0650 983 77 27, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: and in Orthopedic Hospital Vienna Speising, 1130 Vienna, specialized in arthroscopic surgery and joint replacement (hip and knee), English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schabus, Wiener Privatklinik, Pelikangasse 15a, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 40180 5220, Fax: 40180/5221, mobile phone: 0664/355 1326, homepage:, specialized in sports medicine, arthroscopic surgery, rehabilitation; English fluent.
Pediatricians & Pediatric Surgeons in Vienna
Dr. Michael Gleicher, Peter Jordanstrasse 51/C/1, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 368 69 67 or 368 787 01; homepage, English fluent.
Dr. Eva Leder, MD, Grinzinger Allee 3/6, 1190 Vienna, mobile phone: 0699/1375 8005, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, U.S. trained (Harvard, Boston Children’s Hospital), board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lischka, Krottenbachstrasse 27, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 369 22 86, or Wilhelminenspital, Tel.: 491 50/2924; homepage, English fluent.
Dr. Franz Stefan Pelzl, Sechskrügelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna, Tel.: 712 47 88; homepage, English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Arnold Pollak, Kainzgasse 10/1, 1170 Vienna, Tel.: 485 46 30, homepage:, specialized in neonatology and intensive care; English fluent.
Dr. Veronika Pollak-Wiedermann, Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 143, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 876 45 88; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Rokitansky, Langobardenstrasse 122, 1220 Vienna, Tel.: 28802-4402, homepage:, specialized in pediatric surgery; English fluent.
Dr. Waltraud Sattler-Ertl, MD, FAAP, Auhofstrasse 8/1/12, 1130 Vienna, and Herzmanskystrasse 18/10, 1140 Vienna, mobile phone: 0699/197 19297, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, U.S. trained (NY Medical College at Westchester Medical Center) and board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm, Billrothstrasse 78, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 36 036-0; homepage:, English fluent.
Physical Therapists & Physiotherapists in Vienna
K. Harlan Swan, BPhty, Beatrixgasse 19, 1030 Vienna, BEAKTIV practice (Near Stadt Park), mobile phone: 0664/750 100 99, e-mail: [email protected], personal homepage in English:, BEAKTIV homepage in German:, 15 years clinical experience in New Zealand, the U.K. and Austria; musculoskeletal physical therapist with special interest in spinal problems and the lower limb, massage and home visits available. Native English speaker, German fluent.
Psychiatrists & Psychologists in Vienna
Amal Ashrawi, Josefsplatz 6, 1010 Vienna; mobile phone: 0699/17 193 078, e-mail: [email protected]. Psychoanalyst/psychotherapist I.T.U.S.; English fluent.
Dr. Thomas Barth, Grünentorgasse 26/36, 1090 Vienna, mobile phone: 0650 713 0616, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, psychoanalyst/psychotherapist; English fluent.
Jennifer Baumeister, Diplom-Psychologin, Sechsschimmelgasse 24/16, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 0660 838 8914, homepage:, psychotherapist (cognitive behavioral therapy). Native English speaker.
Mag. Astrid Becks Papapietro, MSc. Münchenstrasse 14-16/2-11, 1120 Vienna, Tel.: 0660 935 6699, e-mail: [email protected], homepage. Children and adults psychologist specialized in immigration, relocation, anxiety, etc. Coaching for adults regading work difficulties, burn-out syndrom, relocation, etc. English, Spanish fluent.
Ms. Sonja Burian, B.A., Spielmanngasse 7/11/13, 1200 Vienna, Tel.: 350 47 84, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: Individuals and couples, also bilingual couples. Specialized in relocation adjustment, anxiety, stress, depression, culture shock, marital difficulties. Native English speaker, Spanish, German.
Dr. Peter K. Fischhof, Handelskai 224/47, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 728 05 53 or 894 76 74, e-mail: [email protected], psychiatrist, specialized in treatment of mood and anxiety disorder in connection with cognitive impairment; English fluent.
Dr. Wolfgang Frühwirt, Lange Gasse 72/9, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 0660 9343999, e-mail: [email protected], homepage. Private Practice in Psychotherapy and Coaching, Psychotherapist in training under supervision, Doctor of Psychotherapy Science (Dr. Sci. Pth.), Member of the Austrian Association for Psychotherapy (ÖBVP), University of Oxford: Research and publications in neuroscience; Specializations: personal challenges (relationships | family | career), life crises, burnout and chronic stress, depression, sleep problems, anxiety and panic attacks, issues related to self-esteem and self-confidence; Age group: Adults (18 yrs+); Fluent in English.
Ms. Patience Gebauer, Rudolf Zellergasse 48/B/1, 1230 Vienna, Tel.: 888 42 33, mobile phone: 0699/101 01094, counselor for psychological issues and professional counselor; Native English speaker.
DDr. Karl Golling, Leonard Bernsteinstrasse 4-6/7/27, 1220 Vienna (next to United Nations), Tel.: 922 9229 or 0699 1 922 9229, homepage: Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst; Clinical experience in US and Europe. Organizational, families and couples issues, Native English speaker.
Dr. Brian Hagerty, Josefstädterstrasse 79/17, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 0676 420 41 45, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: www.praxis-josefstadt.att. Specialization in Psychotherapy and medical treatment of depressive and anxiety issues, psychosomatic disorders, personality disorders, problems of life adjustment, burn-out. Familiar with „expat and culture sensitive life situations“. Treatment of various (chronic) body conditions with Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Native English speaker.
Kevin J. Hall, BSc (hons), MSc, WISH Mindscience, Straßgschwandtnerstraße 4/1, 1140 Vienna, Tel.: 9900858, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: or Field: psychotherapist, professional coach of the Austrian Coaching Council, Dipl. Coach, trauma therapist, hypnotherapist. Further specialties: couples therapy, systemic family therapy, clinical hypnosis. Native English speaker..
Walter A. Hermann, Praterstrasse 24/2, 1020 Vienna, Tel: 0664 862 750, email: [email protected], homepage:, specialized on children and youth but also adults and family therapy. Native German speaker, proficient in English and experienced with foreign cultures.
Mag. Irene Lepingwell, Lammgasse 7/10, 1080 Vienna, mobile phone: 0676/4464243, e-mail: [email protected], homepage. Psychoanalyst/psychotherapist, individuals and couples, parent-infant psychotherapy, Sandplay therapy for children and adults, EMDR. English fluent.
Mag. Dorothea Miksits, MSc, “Consultation House,” Hirschstettner Strasse 19-21/House Z, 1220 Vienna, Tel.: 20 20 810, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, psychotherapist, psychologist; for individuals, couples and families, specialized in relationship and child related matters, depression, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders and other clinical conditions; English fluent.
Mag. Nadia Niyazi, M.A., Stumpergasse 48, 1060 Vienna, Tel.: 0660/5775994, e-mail: [email protected], psychologist; consultations, counseling and trainings; field: depression, anxiety, relocation/adjustment, child disorders, postpartum depression, parent-child attachment, stress management. Native English speaker.
Mag. Karin Quigley-Draxler, Safe Place. Schwedenplatz 2/3/26, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 0699/10 40 7723, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, psychotherapist, specialized in coaching, counseling, university advising; English fluent.
Mag. Krista Rothschild, Rotenturmstrasse 23/16, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 06991/978 0761, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: Clinical Psychologist /Health Psychologist /Child, Youth & Family Psychologist /Cardio psychologist. Specialization: assessments for children, youth and adults (learning disorders, attention, concentration, intelligence, memory, stress, coping, motivation, vocational interests, school/IB/SAT/BMAT accommodations documentation, neurological, mental and behavioral disorders); consultations for anxiety, depression, relocation adjustment, chronic pain, and adjustment to chronic illness such as heart disorders. Native English speaker.
Mag. Helen Rudinsky, Favoritenstrasse 31/5, 1040 Vienna, homepage:, American trained and licensed marriage and family therapist specialized in helping: couples stuck in negative patterns of interaction and conflict, individuals adjusting to a new culture, job, setting, children with special needs, youth and teens in difficult transitions. Native English speaker.
Mag. Simon Severino, Herrengasse 8/6/4, 1010 Wien, mobile phone: 0699 1000 55 44, Fax: 533 033 8891, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected], homepage:; English fluent.
Dr. Matthew Shorrock, Märzstrasse 104, 1150 Vienna, mobile phone: 06991/317 6011, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: Psychotherapist, psychologist and life coach. Daytime, evenings and weekends. Individuals, couples and groups. Dedicated services for expatriates. Specialisms include: addictions, depression, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, relationship difficulties, trauma, Native English speake.
Dr. Brigitte Sindelar, Hegelgasse 19/5, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 890 47 20, homepage:, pediatric clinical psychologist; English fluent.
Dr. Andreas Stavrou, Herrengasse 8/ Stg. 6/ Tür 4, 1010 Vienna, Tel. & Fax: 317 76 66, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, adult psychiatrist, specialized in the treatment of depression, burn-out-syndrome, psychosis and schizophrenia, eating disorders, anxiety and panic disorders, drug and alcohol dependency, psychosomatic disorders and personality disorders; English fluent.
Dr. Johann Steidl, General Adult Psychiatrist / Psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Josefstädter Straße 79/17, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 0650/438 22 72, email: [email protected], homepage:, adult psychiatrist, Specialized in the treatment of depression and other mood disorders, burn-out syndrome, anxiety and panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, cognitive issues – Alzheimer / dementia, psychosis (schizophrenia, delusions), personality disorders, adjustment to life stressors, psychosomatic disorders, alcohol dependency and other substance misuse problems and smoking cessation. Native English speaker.
Dr. Kenneth Thau, Lindengasse 38, 1070 Vienna, Tel.: 317 20 70, or University Hospital, Tel.: 40400/3514, psychiatrist; Native English speaker.
Lisa Wollmann, MSc, Laudongasse 50, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 0699 1711 9781, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, psychologist and psychotherapist in training (cognitive behavioral therapy). Native English speaker.
Radiologists in Vienna
Diagnosezentrum Urania, Laurenzerberg 2, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 200 200, e-mail: [email protected], homepage, general radiology, computer tomography, etc.; English fluent.
Diagnostikzentrum Währing, Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10-12, 1180 Vienna, Tel.: 402 80 62 0, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, general radiology, mammography, computer tomography; English fluent.
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Till Bader, MSc., Speisinger Strasse 109, 1130 Vienna, Tel.: 804 10 10, homepage:, trained in U.S.A., specialized in MRI, special care for patients with claustrophobia, reports in English available; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Czembirek and Dr. Elisabeth Kalinowski, Wiener Privatklink, Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 408 12 82, homepage:, general radiology, ultrasound computer tomography, mammogram; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Hans Jantsch, Goldenes Kreuz Hospital, Lazarettgasse 16, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 405 42 55 or 40111/580, homepage:, general radiology, ultrasound, mammogram; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Dimiter Tscholakoff, Jörgerstrasse 53, 1170 Vienna, Tel.: 406 47 88, homepage:, general radiology, CT and MRI; English fluent.
Surgeons in Vienna
Priv.Doz. Dr. Tudor Birsan, Schöllerhofgasse 5, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 0650 319 2586, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: FEBS/Coloproctology, Specialist general, endocrine and digestive surgeon, Fellow of the European Board of Surgery / Division Coloproctology; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Maria Deutinger, Kreuzgasse 17-19, 1180 Vienna, Tel.: 26 166, homepagespecialized in plastic surgery, breast surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic, hand surgery, nerve repair, facial palsy.
Dr. Alexander Flor, Heiligenstädter Strasse 46-48, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 36066 7617, mobile phone: 0676 7209696, homepage, member of the American College of Phlebology, specialized in diagnosis and therapy of varicose veins; English fluent.
Privatdozent Dr. Alexander H. Petter-Puchner, Vegagasse 12, 1190 Vienna, Tel.: 0699 100 99 498, e-mail: [email protected], homepage: , specialized in elective and acute operations of the abdomen; can directly transfer acute patients to the department of general surgery in the Wiener Wilhelminenspital; English fluent.
Dr. Alexander Siegl, Währingerstrasse 63/9, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 890 10 50, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, Dr. Alexander Siegl is a specialist in plastic surgery with a focus on aesthetic surgery. He specializes in breast surgery and aesthetic facial surgery. English fluent.
Prof.Dr. Albert Tuchmann, Head of the Surgical Department, Social Medical Center Floridsdorf Vienna, Hinaysgasse 1, 1210 Vienna, Tel.: 406 36 18 or 275 22 0, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, Liebiggasse 4, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 406 36 18 or 0664 2121 994, specialized in general surgery, laparoscopic surgery, gastroenterology, oncology, bile surgery, proctology, goiter; English fluent.
Dr. Benedikt Walzel, Untere Augartenstrasse 1-3/IV/1/5, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 330 34 68, or Floridsdorf Hospital, Tel.: 275 220, general surgery, cancer-surgery, endoscopy, laparoscopic surgery, variceal, hand and extremities surgery; English fluent.
Dr. Günter Wimberger, Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland GmbH., Ausstellungsstrasse 1/2, 1020 Vienna, Tel.: 728 65 51 or 40088/3921, Fax: 720 63 27, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, finished university education in 1981, degree as a specialist at the end of 1987; English fluent.
Urologists in Vienna
Primar Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aulitzky, Confraternität, Privatklinik Josefstadt, Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 40114-5701, Fax: 40114-5507, e-mail: [email protected]; holds a professorship at Weill Medical College and speaks English fluently. He is also the Medical Director of the Hospital Confraternität, which provides many out-patient services by English speaking physicians. English fluent.
Dr. Franklin E. Kuehhas, Stadiongasse 8, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: 397 78 48, homepage: Dr Kuehhas is a urological surgeon with sub specialist interest in reconstructive andrology. He has undergone highly specialist fellowship training at University College Hospital London. He has vast expertise in the investigation and treatment of congenital penile curvatures, Peyronie’s disease, penile implant surgery and aesthetic penile surgery. English fluent (also Spanish).
Dr. Georg Ludvik, Piaristengasse 4-2/2, 1080 Vienna, Tel.: 263 82 60, mobile phone: 0664/3017760, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:; English fluent.
Prof. Dr. Walter Ludvik, Garnisongasse 11/6, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 405 92 95, mobile phone: 0664/308 2308, homepage:; English fluent.
Doz. Dr. Christian-Peter Schmidbauer, Fuchsthallergasse 2/1/11, 1090 Vienna, Tel.: 315 21 90, mobile phone: 0664/20 38 940, homepage:; English fluent.
Dr. Christopher Springer, MBA, Hintzerstrasse 10/6, 1030 Vienna, Tel. 710 38 26, mobile phone: 0676/3017919, e-mail: [email protected]homepage:; English fluent.
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About the Author
Betsy Burlingame is the Founder and President of Expat Exchange and is one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange. She launched Expat Exchange in 1997 as her Master's thesis project at NYU. Prior to Expat Exchange, Betsy worked at AT&T in International
and Mass Market Marketing. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University
with a BA in International Business and German.
Some of Betsy's articles include 12 Best Places to Live in Portugal, 7 Best Places to Live in Panama and 12 Things to Know Before Moving to the Dominican Republic. Betsy loves to travel and spend time with her family. Connect with Betsy on LinkedIn.
Additional Information:
- Austria Guide
- Healthcare & Health Insurance in Austria
- Members Talk about Healthcare & Health Insurance in Austria
- Best Places to Live in Austria
- Real Estate in Austria
- Guide to Real Estate in Austria
- Pros & Cons of Living in Austria
- Cost of Living in Austria
- Getting a Driver's License in Austria
- 15 Best Places to Live in Austria
- Essential Guide to the Health System in Austria
- Guide to Residency in Austria
- 2025 Guide to Living in Austria
- Pros and Cons of Living in Austria 2025