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move to france

21 years ago
Im a 40 yr old young looking mionded female scare to relocate in case Im lonely. I need warmth in the south for my health, im horse mad, and want to live in a village near a good town for social life. I want really good riding country and horsey mates, anyone know anywhere that might fit the bill any ideas gratefully received thanx

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If you're planning a move to Laos, or have recently settled there, it's natural to encounter some culture shock as you adjust to your new surroundings. Our insightful article is designed to help you navigate this transition smoothly. It offers practical tips and draws on the experiences of fellow expats who have successfully embraced the cultural nuances of Laos.

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If you're moving to Croatia, it's important to learn about both the Pros AND Cons of living in Croatia. ...

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