Hey expats: I am living in NYC and am from Paris...I found this quite amazing website called Expats.com... Its a social networking service just for expats --they seem pretty new because there weren't tons of people on it... Ive never seen anything like this... Its a community for expats where if you are married or single , you can go in and meet other people that are expats from the same place as you...they also have a huge classified ads section --I am going to try to buy some furniture...and oh yeah you can start events as well and invite all your friends and they can RSVP or not...I love the fact that someone finally figured out that we all really want to form a community and eventually hook up with each other and this seems like a really concise way to do it...So check it out...its growing really fast -- there are also all kinds expat links and resources for people from France and for expats from everywhere!