Someone named Alexandra posted about residency for students. My reply did not come through, so I hope she's still here:
Students can hire a lawyer to get them residency
status for the duration of ther school years. But the
easiest and cheapest thing to do--which many people do
for years and years--is to find a day before your 90
are up, when it's convenient for you, and go across
the Plata into Uruguay for 24 hours. In 20 years Argentina has had no problem with this in and out policy. When you arrive you'll be given a form stamped with the date by which you must leave the country or be declared to be there illegally.
Colonia is a small historic town and short boat trip,
and Montevideo is a major city, smaller, but similar
to Buenos Aires. Montevideo takes about two hours to
reach by hydrofoil and prices for hotels are similar
to those in BA.
When you return to Argentina your passport will be
stamped for another 90 day stay. I knew one couple
who did this for seven years. This year they finally
got actual residency, but the cheap, easy, no red tape
thing to do is just leave every 90 days or less,
depending on your schedule.
Good luck! Carol
Students can hire a lawyer to get them residency
status for the duration of ther school years. But the
easiest and cheapest thing to do--which many people do
for years and years--is to find a day before your 90
are up, when it's convenient for you, and go across
the Plata into Uruguay for 24 hours. In 20 years Argentina has had no problem with this in and out policy. When you arrive you'll be given a form stamped with the date by which you must leave the country or be declared to be there illegally.
Colonia is a small historic town and short boat trip,
and Montevideo is a major city, smaller, but similar
to Buenos Aires. Montevideo takes about two hours to
reach by hydrofoil and prices for hotels are similar
to those in BA.
When you return to Argentina your passport will be
stamped for another 90 day stay. I knew one couple
who did this for seven years. This year they finally
got actual residency, but the cheap, easy, no red tape
thing to do is just leave every 90 days or less,
depending on your schedule.
Good luck! Carol