I recently moved from San Rafael, Mendoza after 7 years.
You can read a lot of rosey reports of how great it is. There are some good things about Mendoza don't get me wrong but these articles are usually written by someone with something to sell like a lot, timeshare, vineyard etc. However I rarely see a comment that addresses the not so rosey aspects. The reality is that in Argentina inflation is out of control with no end in sight. The government releases figures of 10% and ignores the problem while inflation rages ahead at 30 to 40% a year Crime is bad and getting worse because the inflation is creating a whole new group of people who must steal to survive. The days of finding a good deal on property is over. Many speculators bought in the good times and are now desperate to get out. I have seen some pretty misleading advertising. I hope anyone who is thinking about Argentina as place to live or invest should do their homework.
You can read a lot of rosey reports of how great it is. There are some good things about Mendoza don't get me wrong but these articles are usually written by someone with something to sell like a lot, timeshare, vineyard etc. However I rarely see a comment that addresses the not so rosey aspects. The reality is that in Argentina inflation is out of control with no end in sight. The government releases figures of 10% and ignores the problem while inflation rages ahead at 30 to 40% a year Crime is bad and getting worse because the inflation is creating a whole new group of people who must steal to survive. The days of finding a good deal on property is over. Many speculators bought in the good times and are now desperate to get out. I have seen some pretty misleading advertising. I hope anyone who is thinking about Argentina as place to live or invest should do their homework.