I am in process to secure a retiree visa from the Argentine Consulate in NYC. I submitted all the required paperwork and was told today that I will receive my Retireevisa next week. Great! Cost was $200 plus additional fees I paid to prepare the paperwork (apostilles, etc.). However, the Argentine representative "dropped a bombshell" when sne told me that, A) the Retiree Visa is only good for ONE year and I must re-apply with all the same paperwork (updated) IN Argentina and pay another $200; AND that there is a $600 "immigration fee" that must be paid online before the reitree visa can be issued, and this will have to be paid again in subsequent years. After 3 years, I could then receive a "permanent" retiree visa. I´ve searched the Internet, but NO WHERE can I find any information on immigration fees for temporary or permanent visas. Why am I seeking such a visa....well then I am eligible for an Argentine national identity card (a DNI) so I can have a bank account, etc. Well, f anyone knows where to get info on immigration fees for Argentina, I´d appreciate your help.