As someone that arrived in Argentina after President Menem's corrupt selling off to international corporations every asset the government had, and then, running from the country in disgrace, and as someone that has lived in Argentina under both Kirchner presidency, I think Ms Burlingame is full of mierda. The Kirchners did their best to rebuild government assets and keep the international wolves at bay. Macri is just a weak repeat of Menem. He is looking to the Chinese to build up his failed regime, and it's not working because they are smarter than him.
The US interference in the agricultural, (main) assets of Argentina has wreaked havoc to the economy. They have given incentives, since Bush, to stop growing cattle and plant soy, even though no one in AR eats soy. Monsanto has control over a huge part of the agricultural sector thanks to Menem, and if you think they aren't taking more than they give, you live in a fantasy world.
Expats need to understand one thing about Argentina. There is no buffer, (FED or FCA), to make an economy appear okay when it's not. What you see is exactly reflective of the economic conditions of the country. There is no fairy tale that causes housing crisis, and bank bail outs. The people, here, are used to REALITY and are amazingly resilient to the fluxes in the value of the peso.
If you come from a regulated, fake, economy, you will not be happy in Argentina. If you are a right wing austerity supporter, you've come to the wrong place. Austerity measures are par for the course, here, and we all survive. The only reason provincial governors have programs to support their citizenry is because the constitution gives them the power and money to do so, and they like to get re elected. Do not believe that any citizen is on a federal support program. We've ranched and raised our kids here since 2002. I don't know how long Ms Burlingame has lived here, or if she lives in the interior, or the microcosm of BA, but she hasn't a clue.
The US interference in the agricultural, (main) assets of Argentina has wreaked havoc to the economy. They have given incentives, since Bush, to stop growing cattle and plant soy, even though no one in AR eats soy. Monsanto has control over a huge part of the agricultural sector thanks to Menem, and if you think they aren't taking more than they give, you live in a fantasy world.
Expats need to understand one thing about Argentina. There is no buffer, (FED or FCA), to make an economy appear okay when it's not. What you see is exactly reflective of the economic conditions of the country. There is no fairy tale that causes housing crisis, and bank bail outs. The people, here, are used to REALITY and are amazingly resilient to the fluxes in the value of the peso.
If you come from a regulated, fake, economy, you will not be happy in Argentina. If you are a right wing austerity supporter, you've come to the wrong place. Austerity measures are par for the course, here, and we all survive. The only reason provincial governors have programs to support their citizenry is because the constitution gives them the power and money to do so, and they like to get re elected. Do not believe that any citizen is on a federal support program. We've ranched and raised our kids here since 2002. I don't know how long Ms Burlingame has lived here, or if she lives in the interior, or the microcosm of BA, but she hasn't a clue.