I've been doing a lot of research. I plan to visit Belize around Sept or October for about 1 1/2 to 2 months. I want to tour the cities near water along the coast like Placencia, Hopkins, Cay Cauker, San Pedro, Ambergris Cay, even Corozal Town. I'm not that interested in living inland a way from the water. I can't afford to buy, barring a windfall. If I fly into Belize where is the first place I should go to rest on the beach for a few days. Should I go to the Cays, then Taxi back to the mainland and visit cities along the coast like Placencia Dangriga, Hopkins, etc. Would I need to rent a car for that? I would need to find very budget places to stay like under $50 if possible if I'll be there 2 months.. I'm open to a private room in a Hostel.. How do I find the truely budget places to rent for about 3 days in each of the cities I mentioned. Thanks I know I have so many questions a s a total newbie to Belize..