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Us and Them

16 years ago
Well, 2008s coming to a close and were still here ..Not bad for a species evolved from bacteria brought to Earth millions of years ago via a comet. Of course, this is pure supposition. So too, is the Alien Interventionists version of which there are at least two main sub-categories: a) sometime and somewhere along the way, humankinds evolution was given a helping hand, or possibly a helping tentacle or two by altruistic aliens. b) Even better, we are aliens; genetically modified hundreds of thousands of years ago to thrive on this planet. Then, of course, you have your Old Testament version.. You know, the chatty snake with an IQ of about 200, the inexplicable tree and apple and Adam and Eve who begat the entire human race, (talk about keeping it in the family). OK, many modern-thinking Christian theologians will now happily tell you that much of the Old Testament is considered to be, Inaccurate&Why stop there? Neither the Old nor the New Testaments are supported by one iota of tangible physical evidence and the writings of the New Testament werent even started until a minimum of 60 years after Jesus alleged crucifixion and the deaths, natural or otherwise, of the disciples. Strangely enough, accurate Roman accounts meticulously record the execution of several would-be Messiahs, but not one record mentions an individual named Jesus. This would be the Jesus of Nazareth, of course, a place whose name appears nowhere else but in the Holy Bible.. Nazareth is not mentioned once in the Hebrew Old Testament. The Talmud mentions 63 Galilean towns and Nazareth is not among them. Josephus mentions 45 Galilean towns or villages, yet never once mentions Nazareth. In fact, the first reference to Nazareth comes from Eusebius in the 4th Century. The name Nazareth is neither listed, nor mentioned anywhere among accurately maintained Roman records and maps or, indeed, in any records of the time, be they Roman, Jewish or Grecian. The fact is, Nazareth didnt exist, in name, until the 2nd Century.
Thats a bit odd, isnt it?
Maybe, but the oddness continues exponentially.. Approximately 300 years after the alleged date of Jesus crucifixion, of the 50-odd rewritten gospels purporting to comprise accounts of Jesus life, only four were made available and have remained available to the proletariat via the Holy Bible. This was the unsolicited work of early Christian religion church leaders whom, on the behalf of every Christian living at that time and the billions of Christians to be born thereafter, took it upon themselves to expurgate modify and censor the information we, the proletariat should be allowed to know. Everything else was discarded. At that time, Eusebius, the man mentioned above, (thats the paragraph above, not heaven,) served as an ecclesiastical church historian and bishop. He had great influence in the early Church and openly advocated the use of fraud and deception in furthering the interests of the Church. Ask an Informed Theologian to explain to you what Eusebius meant when he wrote in his Ecclesiastical History, "We shall introduce into this history in general only those events which may be useful firstly to ourselves and afterward to posterity." (Vol. 8, chapter 2). Then, ask your Theologian what Eusebius had in mind when he wrote in his Praeparatio Evangelica, a chapter entitled, "How it may be Lawful and Fitting to use Falsehood as a Medicine, and for the Benefit of those who may be Deceived" (book 12, chapter 32) &Sound a bit dodgy to you? It certainly does to me.. Nevertheless, this religion based upon nothing but myth and a temporally and geographically inaccurate and contradictory Holy Bible thats been subjected to unexplained expurgation, endures by nothing other than the unquestioning faith of its devotees. Similarly, a whole other gaggle of equally contradictory beliefs also substantiated by nothing other than myth comprise the chosen beliefs of billions. Did you know a tomb in Talpiot, (south of the old city of Jerusalem) excavated in 1980 originally contained ossuaries, (bone boxes for secondary burial,) and theyre inscribed with some startlingly familiar names?
The most controversial is Yeshua bar Yosefwhich translates to, "Jesus son of Joseph." OK, this isnt conclusive evidence, because the names "Yeshuaand Yosef" were both extremely prevalent in first-century Jerusalem. The other ossuaries inscribed names, however, are all, also associated with those of Jesus.
One of the ossuaries is inscribed, Mariamne, also known as Mara." Mariamne, according to the Acts of Phillip, (Gnostic Gospels,) is another name of Mary Magdalene. Whilst "Mara" is believed to be the Aramaic word meaning "Lord" or "Master" and also, a nickname for "Mariamne." (Modern theologians not hamstrung and constrained by Christianitys Catch 22 principle of blind Faith(or what I view as mindless naivety,) have formed theories that dismiss and totally contradict the New Testaments assertion that Mary Magdalene was a common prostitute. Ranging from Jesus merely favouring Mary Magdalene above all others, including his disciples, to being married to her and raising with her, a family, were again presented with another heap of contradictory information.)
Another of the ossuaries is inscribed with the name Yosawhich is believed to be the same as Iosesor Josesand was the name of one of Jesus brothers as recorded in the Book of Mark, (New Testament 6:3.) The name Yosa was a first century nickname for Yosef, (rather like the name, Joeor Joeybeing a nickname for Joseph. By implication, therefore, this Yosa could be another son of Joseph and, therefore, Jesus brother.
One ossuarys inscription has become more illegible than others found in the Talpiot tomb and remains the subject of heated discussion to this day. Notwithstanding, one faction have deciphered the inscription to be that of Mary ..Jesus mother which, as you might imagine is dismissed, out of hand, by the Roman Catholic church.
Equally, or possibly even more controversial to, Yeshua bar Yosef,another ossuary is inscribed Yehuda bar Yeshuameaning "Judah, son of Jesus."
Why, you may ask, have the bones not been scrupulously analysed? No chance.. In 1980, in accordance with Israeli law, the ossuaries were removed and the bones from each of them buried in a common grave. Depending on opinion, this could be viewed as very fortunate for the Christian and Roman Catholic churches and very unfortunate for science. I know where I stand ..how about you?
Faith.. Its said this can move mountains.. Just imagine what it might do if every religion didnt insist all the others are sacrilegious fabrications

&Its all got a bit daft, really.
Notwithstanding, were still here, no arguments about that. But, for how much longer?

Unless your own faith or particular theological repressions forbid the use and acceptance of logic and incontrovertible scientific evidence, its odds on we agree Darwin got it exactly right.. If so, we agree also, that humankind has evolved, (and that it continues to evolve), via the processes of Natural Selection. Initially, just a few insignificant competitors struggling to survive, here we are sitting comfortably at the very top of our planets food chain. How? ..modern psychology and plain common sense point toward characteristics such as competitiveness, aggression, cunning and acquisitiveness as being significantly responsible for diverting, evolving us beyond our animal ancestry. Now, heres the Biggy... Could these characteristics that over time initially contributed positively toward humankinds evolution have changed and are become our nemesis and are now severely hampering our continued development and, could those same characteristics be an ever-increasing threat to our survival?

I believe so ..I believe humankind is heading rapidly toward a bleak plateau in its evolution.

Heres why..


Xenophobia: Some dictionaries describe the word as, The fear of alienswhilst others are more specific: The fear of people from other countries. Every one of humanitys six billion living individuals and every human that ever lived has evolved from beings that were, for thousands of years, totally unaware of the existence of other countries, let alone their populations. Aliens surrounded us on all sides. These aliens were not from another planet or another country, they were the unfamiliar and feared aliens often living no more than five to ten miles distant. Whether or not we might otherwise wish, weve inherited clannish propensities and weve evolved as xenophobes pre-programmed as we are by our genes.. Religions have perpetuated Humankinds xenophobia and they continue to do so.

We are all, to a greater or lesser degree, xenophobes.

A few months before I wrote this, (September  December 2005), I learned of some unprecedented discoveries concerning our prehistoric ancestry. These discoveries comprise thus far, the remains of not one, but eleven differing variants of hominid, and more may yet be discovered. Incredibly, its believed these early, Would-Be humans existed simultaneously, shared the same habitats, and exhibited considerable physical dissimilarities. E.g., one variant, (nicknamed the Hobbit), stood less than one metre tall, whilst another, (nicknamed Goliath), stood up to two metres in height. Another type were herbivores whose physiology was markedly ape-like, whilst Homo Sapiens and Homo Erectus favoured a nice bit of meat with their two veg and exhibited physical and mental characteristics more readily associated with modern Humans. Whilst mindful of the precepts of The Survival Of The Fittest and Natural Selection, imagine these differing beings simultaneous attempts to co-exist and survive.

During 2005, in the remains of one of these eleven variants prehistoric campfire, the charred remnants of one of the other types of variant were discovered. As yet inconclusive, we can only speculate on the demise of all but one of the variants. Some, almost certainly, were physically unable to adapt: The obvious candidates being the Goliath and Hobbit variants that were either too large or too small to survive. Did one or more variants cross breed with another? Did some or all of the variants exist harmoniously? Or, could it be theres a more sinister and far more likely answer? An answer that explains how we, the surviving variant eventually reduced all major elements of competition? What was it that enabled us to claim for ourselves sufficient food and territory for our survival? Its pretty obvious isnt it: Intolerance and suppression of, and ultimately the removal of weaker and less intelligent competitors. Our modern human ancestors initially evolved on the African continent, became nomadic and began populating the world. The scientific community have yet to agree as to whether or not at some stage Neanderthal genes contributed toward our homo-sapiens genome. That which is certain, however, is this: When modern humans left their African homelands and met up with the Neanderthal of Europe, similarly to Natural Selections other species of hominid, Neanderthals too, became extinct.

So, we the surviving dominant species succeeded in adapting to our environment and eliminating competition. Nevertheless, for many thousands of years modern humans were largely a disparate and disunited bunch. The xenophobic and clannish propensities about which Ive written were a natural process resulting from our inability to travel safely beyond the boundaries comprising our individual settlements and established hunting areas. Consequently, our fragmented enclaves were originally separate, tiny islands of differing and ever evolving cultures, rituals and beliefs.

The evolution of most early religions was fuelled by our instinctive fear of death. Not only natural death or death by violence, but death by starvation and chance, by that which would eventually be termed, an Act of God. This universal fear of death, instilled in early humans and the vast majority of all life forms via the processes of Natural Selection, (a genetically programmed fear of death ensures the continuation of all species), resulted in early humans creating and adopting religions, all of which provided, (and continue to provide), comforting answers to the mysteries of death. Naturally Selected traits such as cunning, self preservation and acquisitiveness and an emerging ability to pre-empt and capitalise upon situations resulted in entrepreneurial or merely delusional individuals inventing religions and subsequently exploiting our universal fear of death: With claims of an ability to heal the sick and appease evil spirits responsible for plague and pestilence, such individuals attained prominence. Could this be construed as altruism? No.. Lets face it, chanting mysteriously, chucking a few bones up in the air, being grand and eerily mystical, making up their own rules and having the power to scare the loin-cloth off everyone, definitely beat the hell out of unpleasantly strenuous activities such as hunting or fiddling around making bows and arrows.. In this way, therefore, many of these separate communities eventually supported a shaman or similar who conjured up his, or her own particular brand of religion. In time, these shamans inevitably became powerful and as such, became cohorts and advisors to clan leaders.. What, do you suppose, resulted from chance meetings among clans whose shaman and acolytes worshipped differing gods or artefacts? What was promulgated from that time onward?

Four self-perpetuating, brand new, and wholly detrimental human attitudes..

Religious xenophobia
Perceived sacrilege
Holy Warfare
Religious Fanaticism

Or, in a nutshell, (or nutcase, as it happens).. Us.. andThem
Human sacrifice, so abhorred by modern society and its contemporary religions was once commonplace. Our self-appointed shamans became feared and respected primarily because of their self-proclaimed ability to influence good and evil spirits and their claims in regard to an intimate knowledge of life after death. Additionally, their power was increased by utilising death and all of its associated mysticism. Probably more by initial accident than design, human sacrifice developed into a source of influence and control. Claiming the continuing prosperity and welfare of their followers relied upon human sacrifice, these shamans found themselves armed with a truly intimidating dual source of power. Power over life and death and the power to control, influence, and demand respect. This was accepted by the proletariat, because their religions were, (and continue to be) sustained by ignorance, naivety, fear of divine retribution and death itself.. E.g., who in their right mind would chance losing favour with a shaman or their acolytes when there was always a vacancy for the next human sacrifice? ..By these means, religions abounded and because their power grew exponentionally, they eventually became inextricably, if not tangibly linked with royalty, politics and inevitably, the militia.

Whilst the majority of religions are ostensibly beneficial to their followers, in practise and over time, some precepts have inadvertently resulted in substantial and incontrovertible detriment. For the sake of example, logically consider Roman Catholicism, the most prevalent, wealthy and powerful religion on this planet. Similarly to so many other religious factions, Roman Catholicism has a history comprising acute xenophobia, torture, suppression, and violence. Its brought about massive loss of life, many religious wars, and the complete extinction of entire cultures. By either accident or design, for centuries it has mystified its believers via the use of Latin. From the outset, this promoted ignorance and finally, as a by-product of its medieval and breath-takingly illogical stand on contraception, Roman Catholicism has contributed very significantly toward global poverty and over population whilst amassing for itself untold wealth and power. Similarly, Christianity trails in its wake of time, a blood-soaked history of xenophobia, cultural intolerance, genocide, torture, and power building. More topically, non-Muslims worldwide now face the prospect of mass murder and mutilation under the tragically misguided banner of Holy War. Whilst were on the subject of fanaticism, did six million innocent Jews die as a result of their religious beliefs? Understand this; I have no personal axe to grind with any of the worlds religions or their leaders or followers: My point is this: What proportion of good when compared to detriment has humankind received as a direct result of its differing religions?

Human Genes

In addition to the above, now consider the random nature by which we all exist. Not where we live or what we believe, not the colour of our skins or the differences in our cultures, but the complexities of our genetic inheritance. Famously, the entire human genome has now been mapped and scientists are continually isolating within our genes, sections of DNA, (A.K.A. Triggers), directly responsible for our mental and physical individuality. E.g., in 2005, a single gene believed to be responsible for an estimated 20% of all cases of dyslexia was identified. As this process continues, its becoming apparent also, that whereas one person may develop overriding criminal tendencies whilst another does not, this also, is due initially to nothing other than minute differences in genetic code. Similarly, anti-social tendencies of all kinds and indeed every aspect of every individuals psyche are initially determined solely by genes inherited at conception. Without doubt, the manner in which each person is afterward raised into adulthood, e.g., the religious beliefs of parents and peers, levels of education and wealth and happenstance, only then do such elements subsequently become additional controlling factors in our thoughts and actions. Notwithstanding, the manner in which we individually react to situations and our countless thoughts and actions are, to a greater extent pre-determined and pre-programmed by our genes.

After all, were each of us biological machines controlled by biological computers.

From the outset, Humankind has lived and continues to live with the very real possibility of murder, genocide, slavery, torture, wounding, and invasion by aliens, be they five to ten miles distant, from other countries or, who knows what the future has in store for us? ..from beyond the Solar System.
Xenophobia is deeply rooted within us.

Imagine now, a theoretical world populated by beings that accept from the outset of their cognisance, death as nothing more than a natural by-product of life and consequently, no religions will ever be invented and none will exist. Death would very possibly engender a greater fear for these beings, because death would be just that, an end ..No heavens or after lives. It could be argued that because no religions exist, xenophobic tendencies might not be universally perpetuated and consequently might not become a significant element of these evolving beings genome. Over time and via the process of Natural Selection the result could well be described as utopian. Eventually, given the technology to travel to any part of their planet, how would such beings evolve? Might they be far more likely to become a united species working toward a common goal utilising a single gigantic pool of resources? Without religious fanaticism, might not religious wars, poverty, persecution, and enforced ignorance be avoided? Consequently, might not that race of beings evolve far more quickly than our own? Might they avoid over-populating and polluting their world and engendering the starvation, ignorance and abject poverty of entire nations that we humans so blithely take for granted? Xenophobia and ignorance breeds poverty.. So too, poverty breeds ignorance and xenophobia. Combined they are hugely significant elements responsible for the perpetuation of humankinds increasing violence and criminality, its increasing number of wars, and the increasing number of terrorist attacks and anti-social acts that so tarnish our societies..

Returning from rhetoric to the dubious fortunes awaiting the human race, consider now, some aspects of our human society that, until viewed in a logical manner, appear wholly normal, harmless, and almost universally acceptable.

Computer games: Heres a fundamental example of what makes us tick at the genetic level. What percentage of the incredible number of computer games is not based solely around increasingly extreme violence? What percentage of the worlds TV and cinematic entertainment contains no violence? I myself watch bouts of fighting between Extreme Martial Arts contenders whilst similar violence occurring in Real Lifewould horrify me.. In passing, In my view, testosterone has a lot to answer for: Whatever.. We, the overwhelming majority of humans possess a volatile and contradictory psyche comprising among so many other divergent characteristics, compassion and brutality: Our compassion, (of which we are ostensibly proud to state. Sets us apart from animals), is again, nothing more than a by-product of Natural Selection. So too is our brutality. Compassion is obviously a positive action, but not just for us as individuals but as a species. Compassion results in actions that perpetuate our species. In the greater scheme of things, does it matter whether or not if we lend our neighbour £10 until payday? No.. But we probably will purely because of Natural Selection. Its about the continuation of a species, not just our hard up neighbour. Remember, were only compassionate because were programmed to be so. Conversely, in order to survive in our increasingly hostile, competitive and stressful world, we are each of us programmed with an ability to be brutal. This is the conundrum. Like Isaac Asimovs Robots, were programmed with conflicting laws and this incongruous programming is in us all ..In our genes.

Right now, while youre reading this, in our ever-shrinking world theres up to e 100 religion-fuelled conflicts taking place. The sum of the deaths resulting from these conflicts are measurable not in thousands, but in millions. Given recent events here in the UK, the USA, Iraq, Afghanistan and ominously similar events occurring in countries all around our planet, how many of us can truthfully lay claim to a total lack of xenophobia? More disturbingly, how many of these events are the unintended by-product of over one hundred thousand years of xenophobia resulting from wildly differing religious beliefs?

The Future - Technology and Human Genetic Engineering:

Statistically and realistically, humankind cannot continue to thrive on this planet. Given the vagaries of our Earths increasingly violent meteorological, volcanic, and tectonic activity plus the very real possibility of near extinction via Climate Change, mega-tsunami, super-volcanic eruption, an asteroid impact or, at the very opposite end of the scale, a biological catastrophe, here we are, still here, situation normal. As we watch on our TVs millions dying due to starvation, genocide, deprivation, disease ignorance and oppression our taxes continue to fund politicians with billions to spend on the latest gizmos with which to exterminate us. OK, forget for a moment such possibilities and reflect on an entirely different and ostensibly insignificant hazard awaiting us: Even if we do somehow survive into a technologically modified future in which, because of advanced automation and advanced artificial intelligence most professions become obsolete &how will we cope? How does a Work and Reward orientated species evolve? Who is it that will provide the incalculable resources to finance billions of individuals leisure time 24 hours each day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks each year? How will the economy of an entire world cope? Gradual processes are, more often than not, survivable. Even in its woefully fragmented state, is the worlds technology a gradually evolving process? One has only to consider the last half-centurys advances in computing power for the quick answer to that question. In the 1950s, the Meteorological Offices first computer was capable of 19 calculations/second. Currently their Super-Computer is capable of 3 billion calculations/second). Ironically, the same burgeoning manufacturing processes, increasing consumption of non-replaceable natural recourses and all of the environmentally insane by-products of our efforts to more speedily make ourselves redundant, may be a hugely significant factor in regard to our eventual diminution as a species, or ultimately, our demise.

So ..Is there an answer? Theoretically yes.. Realistically No.. Universal xenophobia, too many conflicting religions, too little time, too little money, far too many people, and the fortunes of millions and the actions of entire countries decided by a handful of potentially corruptible leaders, dictators and politicians pressured by vast and dangerously powerful corporations directed by faceless accountants for whom the environment is, at best, a secondary consideration lagging far behind the need for Increased Sales, Market Growth and their Share Holders profit.. Grim, isnt it? Given sufficient time, science fiction, as always, will become science fact. We can learn how to breed out of ourselves the genes that now prevent humankind from rising above its xenophobic and animal instincts. Theoretically, we can become a single, homogenous, utopian society comprising all the nations of Earth. Unlikely, though.. If we survive long enough to acquire sufficient genetic engineering technology, scientists will inevitably be hamstrung by religious and ethical objections. During this accumulation of time, If weve only this planet upon which to live, we could find ourselves in a canoe, slap-bang in the middle of a well-known creek and before paddles have been invented. Chances are, the worlds population will eventually become massively depleted having fallen prey to colossal over population and the resultant backlash of associated climate change, cataclysmic natural disasters, wars, famine and irreversible pollution of our seas and oceans.

Nevertheless, technology is the only logical solution to our dilemma. Its our only hope& For right or wrong, regardless of there being millions of people dying of starvation, deprivation, disease and oppression whilst we spend billions on ways to exterminate ourselves, are you short-sighted enough to be riding the Ban-The-Space-Programmebandwagon? Even though the bigger picture involves nothing less than the future of our species?

This is a bit of cliché, I know, but where and when does parental responsibility stop? The vast majority of us care deeply and, via Natural Selection, instinctively, for our children and most of us can realistically expect to live sufficiently long for us to care also, about our grandchildren.. Is that where it stops? What about our grandchildrens children? ..What about their children and theirs? ..Dont they count, too?

Even given the realistic likelihood that time and chance will beat us, Genetic Engineering, medical advances, technology and space travel will inevitably determine the fate of our species. Itll either kill us or cure us.. In time, (lots of it), if we do somehow cheat the odds stacked against us, maybe as an entire species well embrace a universal religion; but not in any of the ways humankinds warring religions have for so long predicted.

Consider this: Given the continuing survival of our species and our current rate of technological advancement, during the eons of time remaining before the entire universe comes to end, during that incredible, mind boggling, immeasurable span of time, perhaps along the way, might we learn all there is to know about our universe?

&.Do we then become God? &Now, that would be ironic, wouldnt it?

This is all purely hypothetical.. Food For Thought.

Consequently, if Ive offended anyone who reads this, tough ..get a life. Theres so more to our existence than upward of forty contradictory, illogical, myth based religions. Were all continually duped, brain-washed, deluded and Spun by the worlds media, its propaganda and its politicians, (most of whom should be trusted as far as one person can throw a family car), and last, but not least, were all duped and deluded by our own xenophobia..

Well, dont just sit there ..what do you think? ..If anyone were even slightly interested, Id write next about.. Falling In Love.. Falling In Bed.. Falling Out and Falling Apart.

Itll almost certainly be a lot of falls.

Laurie Dignum Copyright: Bearface Lies

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