I live in my husband's house in Bulgaria and I am a housewife. He works away much of the time and I cannot drive a car. Going with him is not a possibility, neither is going back to my home country. I am not really willing to discuss those things any further. I am a pregnant woman currently staying on my own until my husband is back from work. After that he will be going away after a few months again. I am not willing to answer personal questions that don't relate to the dog problem and I do not wish to identify myself.
There are stray dogs here that are a problem. They bark and bear their teeth and even chase and I am afraid to go out. There is a small pack and they are a menace. They will also approach me and harass me to see if I have food and I freeze and feel so scared.
I have been getting a taxi to the supermarket once a week, but apart from that I do not go out since these dogs appeared.
I am very scared of dogs. I was involved in a bad attack as a teenager and still have scars. I don't feel like I can even pass these dogs any more after a number of incidents where I believe I came close to being attacked. One time was having them barking and snarling and chasing me away and as I backed away they stopped. I ended up not being able to pass so I had to go back home and go without the things I needed to get, Another was when one chased me down the road barking, I had to hide behind a wall to lose sight of it and I injured myself. They have a particular interest in me when I am walking alone. When my husband is here they leave me alone. I also see them leaving some other locals alone. I don't get why they bully me.
I have contacted the authorities and animal charities and shelters and none are willing to do anything about it. I can't put poison food down as it's illegal.
I can't find pepper spray. I don't want to use a stick as I am worried this will just make them more aggressive. Dogs don't seem to like me or listen to me for some reason. My family owned dogs when I was younger and I could never get them to listen to me. I have told my husband I don't want to live here any more and he says I may have to for the next few years. This worries me even more with a baby.
Does anyone know if I can get mace or pepper spray in Bulgaria and if this works and if it's legal? What about hairspray in the dog's face if it approaches me? I want a way I can defend myself as these animals don't like me as soon as they see me and I can't have my life ruled by them.
Can someone please give me advice if they have any.
There are stray dogs here that are a problem. They bark and bear their teeth and even chase and I am afraid to go out. There is a small pack and they are a menace. They will also approach me and harass me to see if I have food and I freeze and feel so scared.
I have been getting a taxi to the supermarket once a week, but apart from that I do not go out since these dogs appeared.
I am very scared of dogs. I was involved in a bad attack as a teenager and still have scars. I don't feel like I can even pass these dogs any more after a number of incidents where I believe I came close to being attacked. One time was having them barking and snarling and chasing me away and as I backed away they stopped. I ended up not being able to pass so I had to go back home and go without the things I needed to get, Another was when one chased me down the road barking, I had to hide behind a wall to lose sight of it and I injured myself. They have a particular interest in me when I am walking alone. When my husband is here they leave me alone. I also see them leaving some other locals alone. I don't get why they bully me.
I have contacted the authorities and animal charities and shelters and none are willing to do anything about it. I can't put poison food down as it's illegal.
I can't find pepper spray. I don't want to use a stick as I am worried this will just make them more aggressive. Dogs don't seem to like me or listen to me for some reason. My family owned dogs when I was younger and I could never get them to listen to me. I have told my husband I don't want to live here any more and he says I may have to for the next few years. This worries me even more with a baby.
Does anyone know if I can get mace or pepper spray in Bulgaria and if this works and if it's legal? What about hairspray in the dog's face if it approaches me? I want a way I can defend myself as these animals don't like me as soon as they see me and I can't have my life ruled by them.
Can someone please give me advice if they have any.