We were contacted yesterday with the follwing request from a producer at Canada's CBC network. If anyone fits the description and is interested, please e-mail us ([email protected]):
"Test the Nation" is a fully interactive broadcast in which the in-studio teams representing different occupations and areas of interest and at-home audience can participate in a real-time test.
1.5 million Canadians tuned in for our National IQ Testin March
2007, and 200,000 played online making it the third largest audience of
the year for CBC Television after the Grey Cup and the debut of "Little
Mosque on the Prairie" (not including "Hockey Night in Canada"). Our
English test, Watch Your Language, ran in September and 900,000
people played along, and our "21st Century Trivia" show ran on Sunday,
January 20 and a little under a million tuned in. Please see
http://www.cbc.ca/testthenation/ for further details.
The show's success has us developing an all-new "Canada Test" for
viewers from coast to coast to coast, and one of the teams we're having
is "American-Canadians", set to tape on Sunday, March 30, 2008.
I wondered if Expat Exchange could suggest any outgoing, enthusiastic
individuals born in the United States residing in the Great White North
who would be interested in taking part.
Betsy Burlingame
"Test the Nation" is a fully interactive broadcast in which the in-studio teams representing different occupations and areas of interest and at-home audience can participate in a real-time test.
1.5 million Canadians tuned in for our National IQ Testin March
2007, and 200,000 played online making it the third largest audience of
the year for CBC Television after the Grey Cup and the debut of "Little
Mosque on the Prairie" (not including "Hockey Night in Canada"). Our
English test, Watch Your Language, ran in September and 900,000
people played along, and our "21st Century Trivia" show ran on Sunday,
January 20 and a little under a million tuned in. Please see
http://www.cbc.ca/testthenation/ for further details.
The show's success has us developing an all-new "Canada Test" for
viewers from coast to coast to coast, and one of the teams we're having
is "American-Canadians", set to tape on Sunday, March 30, 2008.
I wondered if Expat Exchange could suggest any outgoing, enthusiastic
individuals born in the United States residing in the Great White North
who would be interested in taking part.
Betsy Burlingame