I have always loved Canada, I lived there for 4 months in 1999, and my grandmother was from Nova Scotia....
I'm a high school teacher living in the US, in Boston. Frankly I've grown weary of America- the fear mongering, the threats of war, the religious zealotry, the gay bashing, are all factors that have made me seriously concider moving. As a tourist, i have lived in Canada and Australia-I have heard it is virtulally impossible for an American tio attain residency and citizenship in OZ- how about Canada? If I have a family, i'd much rather raise them in Canada than America. Does being a teacher go in my favor? In the US, I make $35,000 US a year- what do teachers in canada earn? I have to buy supplies for my classees, as the budget in my school is thin- seems my government doesn't give a high priority to the schools- I know it's different in Canada-
I'm a high school teacher living in the US, in Boston. Frankly I've grown weary of America- the fear mongering, the threats of war, the religious zealotry, the gay bashing, are all factors that have made me seriously concider moving. As a tourist, i have lived in Canada and Australia-I have heard it is virtulally impossible for an American tio attain residency and citizenship in OZ- how about Canada? If I have a family, i'd much rather raise them in Canada than America. Does being a teacher go in my favor? In the US, I make $35,000 US a year- what do teachers in canada earn? I have to buy supplies for my classees, as the budget in my school is thin- seems my government doesn't give a high priority to the schools- I know it's different in Canada-