I know this is the Chile forum, but I have a friend in south Colombia who has continuing severe stomach pains for seven months now. They have three great herb remedies for that here in Chile (Llanten, Matico, and Palo Negro), and the dried leaves are cheap. And given that they are dried leaves, I am just guessing that shipping probably would not be too much. My only concern is Colombian customs. A quick search lists "plants and plant products" as being on the restricted items list. Does anyone know how I could send them without having Customs block the shipment? Could I run them through my coffee mill, put them in Ziploc bags, and put labels on them marked "Stomach Formula #1", "Stomach Formula #2", and "Stomach Formula #3"? (Or "Herb Tea #1, "Herb Tea #2," etc.)? Or how can I legally get the leaves through customs, so my friend can get the medicine he needs? Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.