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Chinese Public School Education

22 years ago
Hello to whomever reads this!

My wife and I, and our daughter of eleven, are making preparations to take a teaching post in Tongxiang City, Zhexiang Province, near Jiaxing City. The school has agreed to arrange for my daughter's schooling "at a local school". We are somewhat apprehensive about this, and are seeking any information we can get prior to making the final decision to go.

Our daughter is very adaptable and is very excited about the move. We just don't want her to be placed in a position which will create problems for her.

We considered home-schooling, but we feel this may isolate her from the immersion experience, thus negating many of the positive aspects of our decision to relocate.

If you have input on Tongxiang City, Chinese Public School Education or ANY OTHER aspect of our planned move, we would be grateful to hear from you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great day.

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