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Dissertation on Expatriates

20 years ago
Dear Members of ExPat Exchange:

I am conducting research for my dissertation for a Ph.D. in Organization and Management from Capella University in Minneapolis. Please help me find participants for my dissertation survey.

The participants for my study are Americans who are currently working or who have worked in a foreign country for a corporation for at least nine months. If you have such an experience, or know someone who has, please send an email to:

[email protected]

The survey will be hosted online by Empliant Inc. of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This will assure you of confidentiality.

The topic of my dissertation study concerns the types of knowledge transferred by expatriates. Explicit knowledge is written down so that anyone may read and understand. Tacit knowledge is described as "we know more than we can tell."

I lived in Malaysia as a Peace Corps volunteer in the 1970s. I have 25 years experience as a college faculty member. . My faculty web page is available at: http://faculty.ncwc.edu/psmith/ At Capella, I adapted my doctoral coursework and comprehensives to study expatriates working for American multinational corporations. Capella University requires empirical research for completion of a Ph.D.

Thank you,


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