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female expat project--call for participants

19 years ago
Female Expat Papercut Workshop
December 11, 2004

Participate in a papercut workshop / female expat performance art event on Saturday, December 11. Hosted by artist Joelle Dietrick and the 25000 Cultural Transmission Center in Beijings Dashanzi Art District, the workshop will bring together female expats to document their lives in Beijing. There are two sessions, one starting at 10 am and another at 1 pm. During each session, the participants will learn about papercuts and recent trends in contemporary art related to the days activities. After a brief lecture, they will collaboratively work on the creation of two large papercuts (about 3 x 9 ft each in size) using their own imagery or imagery provided. Similar to the format of a quilting bee, the workshop gathers women to share their stories and collaboratively create an object that reflects their lives. Conversations will be recorded and later used in a documentary video about female expats in Beijing.

The workshop is free. To participate, please contact Joelle Dietrick at [email protected], 8046-1416 or 1355-277-1039 to sign up for the event. Learn more at http://www.fusestudios.com/dietrick/

Visitors are welcome to observe participants, listen to the conversations, and look at the artwork on display.

25000 Cultural Transmission Center
Tues-Sun 11am-8pm, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Dashanzi Art District, Chaoyang District. (6438 7107)
Opening at 10 am for December 11 only.

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