Allergies, difficulties in breathing, visible pollution? How does Colombia fair? Our household seems to find the situation in Medellin and Envigado getting worse.
Here are our local readings a few minutes ago.
Envigado, Antioquia, Colombia
Updated as of Sat 12, 9 AM GMT
Primary Pollutant · PM2.5 79 ?g/m³C
PM10. 46.32 µ/m5 79 ?g/m³
CO. 839.05 ?g/m³
NO2. 23.61 ?g/m³
O3. 97.62 ?g/m³
SO2. 4.95 ?g/m³
Air quality is unhealthy. Sensitive groups and some others may experience adverse health effects.
Limit activity if sensitive
Close windows and doors
Air purifier recommended
Masks advised if sensitive