Hola a todos. I am in a small rural town with a closed condominio that is supposed to be the "quiet educated condominio", where the tranquilo people live. I specifically chose this condominio because I have an acute sensitivity to sound called hiperacusia. We have some doctors, some retired people, some school teachers, some professionals, etc. However, my neighbor kittycorner across the street owns a nightclub, and she is home half the day. She likes to play her music loud, and I am unable to function. I have a medical condition called hiperacusis, which is basically an extreme sensitivity to sound (making loud music like torture). The condominium regulations specifically prohibit excessive noise--but then, this is Colombia.
I complained politely on the condominium WSP thread, and she was very rude and insulting to me (as expected), and called me names. I know this is not California, and I hate lawsuits, but I feel cornered, and have nowhere else to go. So with trepidation I ask, what is the likelihood of winning a lawsuit or out-of-court-settlement if I were to sue for breach of contract, due to my medical disability (which she and the condominium already know about)?
Again I hate to go there, but I cannot do this long term.
ARTÍCULO 28:. El volumen de los equipos de sonido, aparatos eléctricos, electrónicos y mecánicos dentro de las casas y en las zonas comunes, debe ser moderado, de manera que no genere contaminación auditiva y se cumpla con las normas y disposiciones vigentes en el Código de Policía Colombiano y del medio ambiente, todo lo anterior con el fin de respetar
la tranquilidad y descanso de los demás residentes del condominio.
I complained politely on the condominium WSP thread, and she was very rude and insulting to me (as expected), and called me names. I know this is not California, and I hate lawsuits, but I feel cornered, and have nowhere else to go. So with trepidation I ask, what is the likelihood of winning a lawsuit or out-of-court-settlement if I were to sue for breach of contract, due to my medical disability (which she and the condominium already know about)?
Again I hate to go there, but I cannot do this long term.
ARTÍCULO 28:. El volumen de los equipos de sonido, aparatos eléctricos, electrónicos y mecánicos dentro de las casas y en las zonas comunes, debe ser moderado, de manera que no genere contaminación auditiva y se cumpla con las normas y disposiciones vigentes en el Código de Policía Colombiano y del medio ambiente, todo lo anterior con el fin de respetar
la tranquilidad y descanso de los demás residentes del condominio.