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Help me find an elementary school!

3 years ago
Hi! We are relocating to Costa Rica for a year in the summer of 2022. My daughter will be in 1st grade. She currently goes to an English-Spanish bilingual kindergarten in the U.S., so she will likely be conversant, but not fluent by the time we arrive in Costa Rica. We are US citizens and will relocate from August 2022-July 2023.

Here's what we hope to find:

1. Mostly Spanish instruction.
2. Will accept US citizens
3. Can be private or public--we are open to either. Our main academic goal is for our kid to improve her spanish, while learning the basic 1st grade stuff--e.g. reading, some simple math, etc.

Academics isn't as important to us as opportunities to practice spanish and have fun. She's young for her grade, so she could repeat 1st grade when we return to the US if needed.

We are open to any location in Costa Rica, but prefer to be in a town with natural beauty, access to the beach, some good food and friendly diverse neighbors...and, of course, a place for our daughter to attend school and improve her Spanish.


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Our Living in Costa Rica Guide is a primer on everything about living in Costa Rica: best places to live, cost of living, pros and cons, healthcare and insurance, and more.

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Best Places to Live in Costa Rica Best Places to Live in Costa Rica

If you're dreaming about living in Costa Rica, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Costa Rica in 2023.

Healthcare in Costa RicaHealthcare in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has both public and private healthcare systems. When you become a resident, you must enroll in the public healthcare system (CAJA). Many expats use the public system for routine healthcare and have private expat health insurance for specialists, surgeries and emergencies.

Cost of Living in Costa RicaCost of Living in Costa Rica

If you're moving to Costa Rica, you'll want to understand the cost of living in Costa Rica. Lifestyle, location and health insurance are part of the formula.

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Moving to Costa Rica has become more popular among expats. Making this choice requires a lot of research to ensure the expat experience you hope for will be realized.

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Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Costa Rica.

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