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Weekends in Prague

22 years ago

Am a Dutch expat working in Prague since the beginning of this year. If there are any other expats out there, who like to have a beer or do some sport, just give me a mail and we can get things running.

It is not easy to find those other working people between the thousands of tourists isn't it?

[email protected]

Urban Address Prague
Urban Address Prague

William Russell
William Russell

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William RussellWilliam Russell

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Living in Czech Rep GuideLiving in Czech Rep Guide

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Best Places to Live in Czech Rep Best Places to Live in Czech Rep

If you're dreaming about living in Czechia, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Czechia in 2023.

Healthcare in Czech RepHealthcare in Czech Rep

Important information about healthcare in Czech Republic, including health insurance requirements, quality of healthcare and more.

Cost of Living in Czech RepCost of Living in Czech Rep

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Czech Rep.

Moving to Czech RepMoving to Czech Rep Guide

Expats have been arriving in Prague in ever increasing numbers for years. It's still regarded as an amazing city for expats, but it's popularity is starting to catch up with it.

Real Estate in Czech RepReal Estate in Czech Rep

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Pros Cons of Living in Czech RepPros & Cons of Living in Czech Rep

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Czech Rep.

Retiring in Czech RepRetiring in Czech Rep

Advice for people retiring in Czech Rep.

William Russell
William Russell

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William RussellWilliam Russell

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Urban Address Prague
Urban Address Prague

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