Well we have now been here for a year. As a foreign national I have about 15 years in total living in Denmark. I speak the lingo but have very few danish friends.
For those of you considering to come here my advice is STAY AWAY. This little hamlet in northern europe has become one of the most isolated and xenophobic countries in Europe. Things that europeans and north americans take for granted are not everyday here. Take for example grocery shopping, the stores resemble something from communist eastern european times. Products that are commonplace around the world create dinnertime conversation here. When the majority of the EU has moved forward in the integration and ethnic diversification, this country of ca. 5 million has isolated itself further from the realities of the 21st century. Its is almost as though they are stuck in the mid-nineties. Let me take this opportunity to dispel some of the myth surrounding this place.
1, Happiest nation in the world! Content maybe, happy no... As previously mentioned on a different forum, I think the danes have a different understanding of happiness compared to the rest of the world. If you consider lack of ambition and drive a prerequisite for happiness then sure they must be the happiest people, but thats what also makes them boring folk.
Drive and ambition are frowned upon and have created the so called "jante" law, a social phenomena that has the general population acting as civil police, stamping down on any individual that tries to excel above the norm. Creating a nation of law -abiding clones working under the pretence of greater social equality and welfare.
2, We have the highest salaries in the world.... NOT TRUE. The national average pre-tax salary may rival that of richer nations such as Norway and Switzerland (incidentally Switzerland has one of the lowest income tax brackets in the world). But if you take a closer look at the figures they are only held up by higher minimum wages. The renumeration scales for professionals is far below par if compared with countries like the UK, US and their european brothers and sisters.
Put on top of that the highest tax burden in the world and you are left with what one may call a slightly lower than average take home salary.
The below par professional incomes combined with extortionate tax rates have led to a regular brain drain on the economy over the last 20 years.
3, Best public healthcare... You have got to be kidding. In general the healthcare system here is plagued by the same problems as most other public healthcare systems, long waiting lists, inefficiency, poor hygiene standards and mediocre medical staff.
There is no independent oversight agency that has the appropriate jurisdiction to regulate and mitigate surgical blunders. Leaving the patient at the behest of at best, average medical professionals.
4, The danes are very open and travelled people.... True they travel. Once abroad they tend to congregate amongst themselves, shunning others and loosing out on the foreign experience. Once back home they are generally not interested in anything that does not grow in their own back yard. Making them ignorant of the world around them and at times even borderline racist. This is supported by the news media that makes international coverage a footnote in their daily newscasts.
In danish companies a returning expat is not considered an asset and will therefore not be rewarded for time spent abroad.
In broader terms this country is insular and has not followed the times. The people are ignorant of others than themselves. They spend the best part of their lives working directly or indirectly for the government under the spoof that their country and way of life is better than the rest of the world. This popular illusion was last seen under communism in eastern Europe.
Do yourself a favour and don't come to the communist paradise. I for one will pack up and find a more progressive place to live.
For those of you considering to come here my advice is STAY AWAY. This little hamlet in northern europe has become one of the most isolated and xenophobic countries in Europe. Things that europeans and north americans take for granted are not everyday here. Take for example grocery shopping, the stores resemble something from communist eastern european times. Products that are commonplace around the world create dinnertime conversation here. When the majority of the EU has moved forward in the integration and ethnic diversification, this country of ca. 5 million has isolated itself further from the realities of the 21st century. Its is almost as though they are stuck in the mid-nineties. Let me take this opportunity to dispel some of the myth surrounding this place.
1, Happiest nation in the world! Content maybe, happy no... As previously mentioned on a different forum, I think the danes have a different understanding of happiness compared to the rest of the world. If you consider lack of ambition and drive a prerequisite for happiness then sure they must be the happiest people, but thats what also makes them boring folk.
Drive and ambition are frowned upon and have created the so called "jante" law, a social phenomena that has the general population acting as civil police, stamping down on any individual that tries to excel above the norm. Creating a nation of law -abiding clones working under the pretence of greater social equality and welfare.
2, We have the highest salaries in the world.... NOT TRUE. The national average pre-tax salary may rival that of richer nations such as Norway and Switzerland (incidentally Switzerland has one of the lowest income tax brackets in the world). But if you take a closer look at the figures they are only held up by higher minimum wages. The renumeration scales for professionals is far below par if compared with countries like the UK, US and their european brothers and sisters.
Put on top of that the highest tax burden in the world and you are left with what one may call a slightly lower than average take home salary.
The below par professional incomes combined with extortionate tax rates have led to a regular brain drain on the economy over the last 20 years.
3, Best public healthcare... You have got to be kidding. In general the healthcare system here is plagued by the same problems as most other public healthcare systems, long waiting lists, inefficiency, poor hygiene standards and mediocre medical staff.
There is no independent oversight agency that has the appropriate jurisdiction to regulate and mitigate surgical blunders. Leaving the patient at the behest of at best, average medical professionals.
4, The danes are very open and travelled people.... True they travel. Once abroad they tend to congregate amongst themselves, shunning others and loosing out on the foreign experience. Once back home they are generally not interested in anything that does not grow in their own back yard. Making them ignorant of the world around them and at times even borderline racist. This is supported by the news media that makes international coverage a footnote in their daily newscasts.
In danish companies a returning expat is not considered an asset and will therefore not be rewarded for time spent abroad.
In broader terms this country is insular and has not followed the times. The people are ignorant of others than themselves. They spend the best part of their lives working directly or indirectly for the government under the spoof that their country and way of life is better than the rest of the world. This popular illusion was last seen under communism in eastern Europe.
Do yourself a favour and don't come to the communist paradise. I for one will pack up and find a more progressive place to live.