I am writing to learn more about potential schooling possibilities for our teenagers for Fall 2010. I will be teaching at the Copenhagen Business School in Fall 2010. Our son (age 15) is presently in 9th grade and daughter (age 14) in 8th grade here in the states. My wife will only be joining us for part of our time in Copenhagen due to her own work commitments. Our preference is to have the kids be in the same school. We’ve taken one step towards this with emails to the Rygaards, Bjorn, and Østerbro international schools, knowing that Copenhagen International School is not in our budget. We’ve not heard back from them, but know that the demand for enrollment at these schools outpaces available spots. Another (probably preferable) step would be to have them attend Danish school, so we are trying to gather information for additional options. I’ve found info about Norre Gymnasium, so we are starting to look into that. It is much harder to try to get information about gymnasiums and folkeskoles that might work for the kids, so I appreciate hearing any general suggestions about what would work in gymnasiums and folkeskoles, or information about specific schools (positive or negative). Thanks