It has seemed in the past that our exchanges happened in a more" rat tat tat" format. Now over the course of a weekend we only generate a post or two.
If this is because of a poster with a negative agenda then let us move on, if this is because of a post that involved a copyright issue, then I must own up.
Suffice to say that I am a member of an expat newsletter, here was info clearly posted by the author of said newsletter. I copy and pasted several articles by this author, never realizing I was in a copyright infringement situation. I know how to copy and paste but don't know how to do the live link thing.
So when the issue of a problem came up I merely posted the words that we in my newsletters.
I apologize if this is the reason that this site is so shut down and on high alert.
TO THE ADMIN PEOPLE, please believe me i had no idea I was doing something wrong.
In signing up for their newsletter one only gives an e-mail address. Hardly a secret society. Well in the spirit of sharing...... I guess ...I just didn't think.....
Sorry and I will be ever so careful in the future.
If this is because of a poster with a negative agenda then let us move on, if this is because of a post that involved a copyright issue, then I must own up.
Suffice to say that I am a member of an expat newsletter, here was info clearly posted by the author of said newsletter. I copy and pasted several articles by this author, never realizing I was in a copyright infringement situation. I know how to copy and paste but don't know how to do the live link thing.
So when the issue of a problem came up I merely posted the words that we in my newsletters.
I apologize if this is the reason that this site is so shut down and on high alert.
TO THE ADMIN PEOPLE, please believe me i had no idea I was doing something wrong.
In signing up for their newsletter one only gives an e-mail address. Hardly a secret society. Well in the spirit of sharing...... I guess ...I just didn't think.....
Sorry and I will be ever so careful in the future.