These are some things I would probably miss… by any chance would they be available in Ecuador?
100% cotton clothes, goat’s milk feta cheese, chestnuts, scrabble tournaments, book exchanges, penny poker games. Does NetFlix or Amazon ship there? is dog food expensive, does garlic grow there, avocados, can you get PBS and some pay TV, how about nut butters, almond milk, olive oil, organic bulk stores,
turmeric, lemon grass and Thai spices and flavourings, coconut milk. Are goats common, are there beekeepers.. fields of wildflowers…classical music stations, Fedex or Mailboxes Unlimited
No, I am not trying to create and expat ghetto complete with Walmarts and Starbucks , just want to know how bad the withdrawal will be.
And please tell me what you miss the most, living there.