Hope you are right about potential attacks on expats . . . Did I use the word, "attack?" If so, can I take it back? Thought I just said the poor would be coming after our possessions. Maybe I did say we would be attacked for our possessions. . .
Generally, I have found most Mexicans and Costa Ricans to be passive aggressive, unless they are caught in the act of stealing, or breaking into a car. Have no reason to think differently about Ecadorians, unless another expat can shed some light on this.
Nevertheless, even the Great Nation-State of Ecuador had a riot of sorts, a few weeks back. Didn't I read a post here, where some expats were trapped in their homes? And of course the State Department always has something to say about such events.
Just one Word of Caution: I suspect that many of the Mexicans who are now members of Cartels, were once,more passive before they had a taste of the, "good life," and found how easy it was to engage in all kinds of criminal activities, once they were ORGANIZED AND HAD LEADERSHIP. Where people are desperately poor, many will quickly turn to a life of crime if they can get away with it. Who'd thought that Mexicans could engage in beheadings, and the slaughter of innocents?
One has to be aware of their surroundings at all times, and that includes the U.S.
Generally, I have found most Mexicans and Costa Ricans to be passive aggressive, unless they are caught in the act of stealing, or breaking into a car. Have no reason to think differently about Ecadorians, unless another expat can shed some light on this.
Nevertheless, even the Great Nation-State of Ecuador had a riot of sorts, a few weeks back. Didn't I read a post here, where some expats were trapped in their homes? And of course the State Department always has something to say about such events.
Just one Word of Caution: I suspect that many of the Mexicans who are now members of Cartels, were once,more passive before they had a taste of the, "good life," and found how easy it was to engage in all kinds of criminal activities, once they were ORGANIZED AND HAD LEADERSHIP. Where people are desperately poor, many will quickly turn to a life of crime if they can get away with it. Who'd thought that Mexicans could engage in beheadings, and the slaughter of innocents?
One has to be aware of their surroundings at all times, and that includes the U.S.