Sorry about that. I tend to be high touch, and low tech. Didn't mean to send an unfinished post.
7. Crime and theft generally is far more pervasive than folks want to admit. However, there are some wonderful small villages that seem to have little or no problems at all.
8. Many of the agricultural areas contain toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungcides, and fertilizers. Thus, one has to be very careful about cleaning foodstuffs.
9. It appears that, Westerners are flocking in to make a, "fast buck," in real estate. A number of posts suggests that some real estate sales people are down right liars, and engage in deception and high pressure.
It also apears that prices in real estate are being driven up beyond their true value. That people coming from the States are getting, ripped off, because they don't know the true value of property in EC, and tend to compare pricing to, "back home."
(Folks, I gotta tell you that I have an expert contact that owns several properties in EC, and is selling them looking for better investment opportunities elsewhere.)
10. Medical care is spotty. If you have a real problem, one must go to Quito, or the States.
11. Poverty is pervasive, and in some case, poverty is extreme. It appears too, that business owners will take advantage of their service people at every opportunity.
12. Can't count much help from the Police. If you have a conflict with a native - - you lose. Police are understaffed and complaints often go unanswered and unadressed.
13. Thought a person could own a handgun and one shotgun in EC. A reliable poster indicates the law was changed a couple of years ago, and that only military and police can have guns.
14. EC seems to fit the Cultural Norm of Latin America, when it comes to stealing. Native poor people will, "steal you blind," if you don't take extra precautions.
So, after a week's investigation, I'm hurting folks. Tell me again why one should leave the States, other than to get away from the mess here. I am really struggling with that. What am I missing? (An answer that suggets, "well EC is not for everybody; maybe you should look elsewhere, or stay home," is NOT acceptable! I was, "lovin," CR.
7. Crime and theft generally is far more pervasive than folks want to admit. However, there are some wonderful small villages that seem to have little or no problems at all.
8. Many of the agricultural areas contain toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungcides, and fertilizers. Thus, one has to be very careful about cleaning foodstuffs.
9. It appears that, Westerners are flocking in to make a, "fast buck," in real estate. A number of posts suggests that some real estate sales people are down right liars, and engage in deception and high pressure.
It also apears that prices in real estate are being driven up beyond their true value. That people coming from the States are getting, ripped off, because they don't know the true value of property in EC, and tend to compare pricing to, "back home."
(Folks, I gotta tell you that I have an expert contact that owns several properties in EC, and is selling them looking for better investment opportunities elsewhere.)
10. Medical care is spotty. If you have a real problem, one must go to Quito, or the States.
11. Poverty is pervasive, and in some case, poverty is extreme. It appears too, that business owners will take advantage of their service people at every opportunity.
12. Can't count much help from the Police. If you have a conflict with a native - - you lose. Police are understaffed and complaints often go unanswered and unadressed.
13. Thought a person could own a handgun and one shotgun in EC. A reliable poster indicates the law was changed a couple of years ago, and that only military and police can have guns.
14. EC seems to fit the Cultural Norm of Latin America, when it comes to stealing. Native poor people will, "steal you blind," if you don't take extra precautions.
So, after a week's investigation, I'm hurting folks. Tell me again why one should leave the States, other than to get away from the mess here. I am really struggling with that. What am I missing? (An answer that suggets, "well EC is not for everybody; maybe you should look elsewhere, or stay home," is NOT acceptable! I was, "lovin," CR.