Reaction to Bernake's move at the Fed is sparking negative reactions from abroad. Countries in Europe and Asia are calling the U.S., "clueless."
Now, the Fed is worried about a stock bubble - - and they should be. The run up in the stock market is not based on productivity, but speculation.
China is booming! Oil needs there expected to rise 75% by 2025.
Speaking of oil prices, the Fed's move to another round of, "quantitive easing." has driven the price of oil back up near $90.
Here's a laughfer: The Mexican Peso is rising in value against the Dollar. Third World Banana Republic - - here we come!
NPR had an interesting guy on yesterday who believes that Capitalism world wide has so distorted, or skewed income, that the Evolution toward a One World Government controlled by a Corporate Oligarchy, is gaining strength rapidly. A new term (at least new to me), that is being used to describe this movement is, "Corporatism." What it means is the new Corporate State is/will be driven by pure unregulated capitalism. It's singular goal: acquire and devour every potential piece of profit without any regard to the needs of man or his enviornment. There are no moral discussions. Such activities would only lead to the derailing of Corporate goals, and we can't have that - - not if a vibrant and prosperous International Corporate State is to be developed. This will
mean, "the end justifies the means." (Sound familar?) Nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of the bottom line. Power and Greed Corrupts, and Absolute Power and Greed will Corrupt, Absolutely!
All of this doesn't bode very well for Seniors. The World has a HUGE Senior population, and it is growing every day, week, month, and year. The medical costs to sustain the old blisters will run into the Trillions. Doesn't do much for the bottom line of the International Corporate State. Old farts are a drain on the system. They are nothing more than parasites; can't work; can't produce anything. All they can do is use up precious resources; and resources the Corporate State doesn't have. Hum, what can be done to solve this problem and maybe start a whole new industry in the process - - thus, giving a boost to the bottom line . . .
Hum, let me see . . .
If the Corporate Oligarchy gains control (and they are well on their way), they will destroy the Planet - - no doubt about it. Every tree, animal, rain forest, mountain top - - every precious rare earth mineral, commodity, plant or species will fall victim to the Corporate State.
By then, the Oligarchy will have the means and technology to build a new scaled down civilization, "off shore," so-to-speak. (Off shore - - meaning space!)
Another expert on NPR also indicated that between now and the end, "atomization," will occur in earth societies.
People will withdraw to protect their families and their dewindling assets. They will trust no one, and keep their circle of family and friends closed to outsiders.
Weaith owned by people outside the Corporate State will be comfiscated. Anything that will enhance the bottom line . . . money, gold, silver, jewelry; anything! The new glorious Oligarachy will need all the resources it can acquire to build a Utopian Society, where Robots likely will do most of the work and handle the means of production.
Do the saps and intellectual, "retards," really believe that in a very short time, this planet can accommodate Nine Billion People? Get Real! The resources are just not there!
Without a belief that one day that we will all have to answer to God, or a higher power, doesn't mean much if you are not a believer. Capitalism runs anthetical to any belief that interferes with its mission to produce wealth, and to devour anything and everything that stands in it's way.
No God - - nothing to fear! When Man believes that he doesn't have to answer to a higher authority, he becomes ego centered; it's all about me - - or in this instance - - the Corporate State of the World.
Survival of the Fittest - - you bet - - it's the natural order of things. Anything weak doesn't deserve to survive; they are parasites feeding off the State.
Get my drift?
Amicus (don)
Now, the Fed is worried about a stock bubble - - and they should be. The run up in the stock market is not based on productivity, but speculation.
China is booming! Oil needs there expected to rise 75% by 2025.
Speaking of oil prices, the Fed's move to another round of, "quantitive easing." has driven the price of oil back up near $90.
Here's a laughfer: The Mexican Peso is rising in value against the Dollar. Third World Banana Republic - - here we come!
NPR had an interesting guy on yesterday who believes that Capitalism world wide has so distorted, or skewed income, that the Evolution toward a One World Government controlled by a Corporate Oligarchy, is gaining strength rapidly. A new term (at least new to me), that is being used to describe this movement is, "Corporatism." What it means is the new Corporate State is/will be driven by pure unregulated capitalism. It's singular goal: acquire and devour every potential piece of profit without any regard to the needs of man or his enviornment. There are no moral discussions. Such activities would only lead to the derailing of Corporate goals, and we can't have that - - not if a vibrant and prosperous International Corporate State is to be developed. This will
mean, "the end justifies the means." (Sound familar?) Nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of the bottom line. Power and Greed Corrupts, and Absolute Power and Greed will Corrupt, Absolutely!
All of this doesn't bode very well for Seniors. The World has a HUGE Senior population, and it is growing every day, week, month, and year. The medical costs to sustain the old blisters will run into the Trillions. Doesn't do much for the bottom line of the International Corporate State. Old farts are a drain on the system. They are nothing more than parasites; can't work; can't produce anything. All they can do is use up precious resources; and resources the Corporate State doesn't have. Hum, what can be done to solve this problem and maybe start a whole new industry in the process - - thus, giving a boost to the bottom line . . .
Hum, let me see . . .
If the Corporate Oligarchy gains control (and they are well on their way), they will destroy the Planet - - no doubt about it. Every tree, animal, rain forest, mountain top - - every precious rare earth mineral, commodity, plant or species will fall victim to the Corporate State.
By then, the Oligarchy will have the means and technology to build a new scaled down civilization, "off shore," so-to-speak. (Off shore - - meaning space!)
Another expert on NPR also indicated that between now and the end, "atomization," will occur in earth societies.
People will withdraw to protect their families and their dewindling assets. They will trust no one, and keep their circle of family and friends closed to outsiders.
Weaith owned by people outside the Corporate State will be comfiscated. Anything that will enhance the bottom line . . . money, gold, silver, jewelry; anything! The new glorious Oligarachy will need all the resources it can acquire to build a Utopian Society, where Robots likely will do most of the work and handle the means of production.
Do the saps and intellectual, "retards," really believe that in a very short time, this planet can accommodate Nine Billion People? Get Real! The resources are just not there!
Without a belief that one day that we will all have to answer to God, or a higher power, doesn't mean much if you are not a believer. Capitalism runs anthetical to any belief that interferes with its mission to produce wealth, and to devour anything and everything that stands in it's way.
No God - - nothing to fear! When Man believes that he doesn't have to answer to a higher authority, he becomes ego centered; it's all about me - - or in this instance - - the Corporate State of the World.
Survival of the Fittest - - you bet - - it's the natural order of things. Anything weak doesn't deserve to survive; they are parasites feeding off the State.
Get my drift?
Amicus (don)