You are a conspiracy theorist, now, aren't you? Always room for another Team member. LOL!
Your question triggered another fact from my memory bank.
True Story: There is very wealthy group of people that is having an underground shelter built in the mountains of Western Washington.
It will house up to 200 people for one year, if necessary. Cost: $10 Million.
Got the information from the head of the company that is building the shelter. Exciting stuff, don't you think?
Now, what do they know that we don't know? I have a clue, but if I say anything here, the ex-pat mob will pile on.
Hum . . . 9/11 vs. 11/9 . . . interesting! Does someone need to check on you tomorrow?
Amicus (don)
P.S. There is another potential destructive event that could be looming here in the U.S. Much has been written, but few are listening. No . . . it has nothing to do with the Mayan prediction. It could however be the triggering event that could fulfill the prophesy.
People of means and with connections are making advanced preparations in the event they have to leave the Country quickly. Suspect, they all have, "safe havens." Some are building below ground shelters; digging holes in mountains, and escaping to EC. Ya, LOL! with that! Seriously, EC wouldn't be a bad place to be in the event there is a, "happening," here, that threatens the survival of the Country.
You are a conspiracy theorist, now, aren't you? Always room for another Team member. LOL!
Your question triggered another fact from my memory bank.
True Story: There is very wealthy group of people that is having an underground shelter built in the mountains of Western Washington.
It will house up to 200 people for one year, if necessary. Cost: $10 Million.
Got the information from the head of the company that is building the shelter. Exciting stuff, don't you think?
Now, what do they know that we don't know? I have a clue, but if I say anything here, the ex-pat mob will pile on.
Hum . . . 9/11 vs. 11/9 . . . interesting! Does someone need to check on you tomorrow?
Amicus (don)
P.S. There is another potential destructive event that could be looming here in the U.S. Much has been written, but few are listening. No . . . it has nothing to do with the Mayan prediction. It could however be the triggering event that could fulfill the prophesy.
People of means and with connections are making advanced preparations in the event they have to leave the Country quickly. Suspect, they all have, "safe havens." Some are building below ground shelters; digging holes in mountains, and escaping to EC. Ya, LOL! with that! Seriously, EC wouldn't be a bad place to be in the event there is a, "happening," here, that threatens the survival of the Country.