Ecuador has had a number of immigrants the last several years besides from the U.S.
Most are aware of the Colombian refugees which remains a political volleyball. There are also Cubans as well as other groups.
A few years ago Correa opened up the door for the Chinese by not requiring visas. This was in part due to continuing relationships between Ecuador and Peru. However, someting unusual began to happen. Many of the Chinse were arriving with one way tickets. Press reports revealed that human traffickers became involved and that Ecuador was a jumping off point to the U.S. In the last several years U.S. immigration was surprised to see Chinese being apprehended coming into Arizona. Numerous Chinese have also been arrested in Ecuador for trafficking. The Ecuador government has changed the status now for Chinese visiting Ecuador.
Now enter the Nigerians. Last week a number of Nigerians were arrested after an investigation in Quito. Most of the nigerians have legal refugee status. However, the group seems to be inovlved in the trafficking of drugs.
There are Ecuador and Latin America Updates at:
Most are aware of the Colombian refugees which remains a political volleyball. There are also Cubans as well as other groups.
A few years ago Correa opened up the door for the Chinese by not requiring visas. This was in part due to continuing relationships between Ecuador and Peru. However, someting unusual began to happen. Many of the Chinse were arriving with one way tickets. Press reports revealed that human traffickers became involved and that Ecuador was a jumping off point to the U.S. In the last several years U.S. immigration was surprised to see Chinese being apprehended coming into Arizona. Numerous Chinese have also been arrested in Ecuador for trafficking. The Ecuador government has changed the status now for Chinese visiting Ecuador.
Now enter the Nigerians. Last week a number of Nigerians were arrested after an investigation in Quito. Most of the nigerians have legal refugee status. However, the group seems to be inovlved in the trafficking of drugs.
There are Ecuador and Latin America Updates at: