A real estate tour provider recently stated in his daily email that caution should be taken in the Mariscal area of Quito. This has been true for a number of years and Avenida Amazonas has been in decline in terms of safety for at least ten years. He also stated that "A few years ago Colonial Quito was on our no go list. Now it is great...".
According to a recent article by El Comercio, the historic district of Quito (Colonial) is particulary dangerous for tourists. In 2010, there were 1,675 tourist thefts reported according to the Tourism Security Service. What is important here is that the number is probably higher in that there were probably a number of thefts not reported to authorities by tourists.
Mostaceros are still operating without impunity and increase in police numbers seems to have little impact. Mostaceros are the thieves who spray a liquid on you to distract you, offer help , while their accomplice(s) relieve you of your valuables. I have provided a video of a group of mostaceros at this link. Notice how well they are dressed. Mostaceros refers to thieves who throw mustard.
According to a recent article by El Comercio, the historic district of Quito (Colonial) is particulary dangerous for tourists. In 2010, there were 1,675 tourist thefts reported according to the Tourism Security Service. What is important here is that the number is probably higher in that there were probably a number of thefts not reported to authorities by tourists.
Mostaceros are still operating without impunity and increase in police numbers seems to have little impact. Mostaceros are the thieves who spray a liquid on you to distract you, offer help , while their accomplice(s) relieve you of your valuables. I have provided a video of a group of mostaceros at this link. Notice how well they are dressed. Mostaceros refers to thieves who throw mustard.