I actually wanted to post a response to Boncours comment that she didn't think forwarding internationally from the US is possible. I wanted to post it on the same thread, but as this site is so poorly organized when I clicked to respond it took me to a page where unfortunately her post was no where to be found.
One of the very few times I find myself disagreeing with Margarita, and this is not Ecuador specific.
I leave the States for 5 or 6 months every winter and always leave a forwarding address for that period. All my first class mail gets forwarded automatically, doesnt even arrive at my home post office. It arrives here 8 to 10 days later. Only first class mail, but it is forwarded as first class international, without me haveing to pay the extra 40 some cents the letter would have cost had it been addressed directly to Ecuador.
One of the very few times I find myself disagreeing with Margarita, and this is not Ecuador specific.
I leave the States for 5 or 6 months every winter and always leave a forwarding address for that period. All my first class mail gets forwarded automatically, doesnt even arrive at my home post office. It arrives here 8 to 10 days later. Only first class mail, but it is forwarded as first class international, without me haveing to pay the extra 40 some cents the letter would have cost had it been addressed directly to Ecuador.