Hi. I am coming to stay this summer with my 4 children (5,7,11,13). I am considering moving there, but, intend to stay with the kids for 6-10 weeks or so before deciding. I am coming from Wisconsin, and, am unsure about what area to stay in. I lived in the Silver Cities of Mexico before and loved it. I am drawn to Cuenca, but, would like to be a bit nearer a beach. Is there a bus or something that regularly goes to the beach? I may be coming alone with the children, and, just want to make sure that no one thinks I will have any REAL issues with being alone with them? We all speak Spanish fluently (well, 5 & 7 not fluently- LOL). Also, I am wondering- I am currently employed as a court room interpreter for Spanish language. Would I be able to follow this career field there or get a decent job since I am fluent in both languages? Any advise or input would be appreciated. Thanks.