The next big meeting on the San Lorenzo beach recovery is September 9th. Hopefully by the time we have that meeting folks will have submitted letters to the Alcaldia supporting the effort and opposing the Salinas Yacht Club's request to construct a pier at the Capitania. That fixed structure will extend into the ocean and if done prior to the recovery increase its cost substantially, if done after make its maintenance problematic. If done after it will also be an huge issue because it will block the view of the beach goer on both sides of the Malecon. At night it will become a public urinal and hotel for the homeless. How many tourists will return once they come to the Salinas beach and see a huge dock smack in the middle of the Malecon?
So...if you want to do something go the the Alcaldia which is about 3 blocks (straight line) from the Salinas Malecon - same street. It is the long building across from the church. On the ground floor there is a window to submit letters. They will stamp and number it. Here's the text in Spanish: Opongo la construccion del muey del Yacht Club en el Malecon de Salinas. Quiero recuperar la playa y renovar el Malecon de San Lorenzo.
Ed n Jenny
So...if you want to do something go the the Alcaldia which is about 3 blocks (straight line) from the Salinas Malecon - same street. It is the long building across from the church. On the ground floor there is a window to submit letters. They will stamp and number it. Here's the text in Spanish: Opongo la construccion del muey del Yacht Club en el Malecon de Salinas. Quiero recuperar la playa y renovar el Malecon de San Lorenzo.
Ed n Jenny