I am new to this forum and appreciate invites to your network.
We are exploring becoming expats from the US and Ecuador is at the top of the list as out first destination. My husband wants to teach ESL and I am wondering about the opportunities to do so, as well as the requirements, for Ecuador.
Can one make a living teaching ESL in any part of Ecuador os must it be in the city? I've been looking at Cuenca but I'd also like to live on the ocean.
My husband has a BA in SOcial Sciences but is not a teacher in the US. He is looking at TEFL certifcates so that he can teach ESL abroad. Is this enough qualification to teach in Ecuador? Are the teaching assignments long-term or short term?
Can you recommend any particular TEFL courses that are good? There are lots available and it is hard to seperate the scams from what is good. Some courses run thousands and other run hundreds.
THanks so much for your help.
I am new to this forum and appreciate invites to your network.
We are exploring becoming expats from the US and Ecuador is at the top of the list as out first destination. My husband wants to teach ESL and I am wondering about the opportunities to do so, as well as the requirements, for Ecuador.
Can one make a living teaching ESL in any part of Ecuador os must it be in the city? I've been looking at Cuenca but I'd also like to live on the ocean.
My husband has a BA in SOcial Sciences but is not a teacher in the US. He is looking at TEFL certifcates so that he can teach ESL abroad. Is this enough qualification to teach in Ecuador? Are the teaching assignments long-term or short term?
Can you recommend any particular TEFL courses that are good? There are lots available and it is hard to seperate the scams from what is good. Some courses run thousands and other run hundreds.
THanks so much for your help.