My wife and I went to the annual fiscal dinner last night in Quito for all supervisors that work for Government Agencies. I spoke to the Banking Ministerio Director . He said he will allow Americans starting on the 1st Sep to open a bank account and certain branches without going thru all the red tape on one condition. 1) show proof of a utility bill, 2) A copy of the passport that shows you are in good standing. 3) $1,000 to be deposited.. They will also start reporting to the major credit bureau if you keep that balance at all times.. The security advisor for Equifax was there at the dinner. He told me they will be linking up with all the major cell phone companies to report and sell your information to other companies like American Express, hard ware store KyWi , and Super Markets. Porta will start offering $2,500 credit cards to Xpats after Equifax has reported you for 6 months or longer as good standing. After you pay on time with the Porta Credit Card.. They will sell your lead to American Express of Ecuador and they will offer you $5,000 after 1 year of being a resident and you paid your bills on time.
There are are few of you like itnotsobad that give out reliable and honest information that can back it up with statistics and proof. I would appreciate the rule of thumb here. If you don't know the answer thats okay don't guess at it. It just makes it harder for the Americans in the USA to follow instructions on how to become legal.. Thanks If you have any questions email at [email protected]
PS: Those of you that emailed me about your dealings with Jame Cheek is well appreciated. The one Knucklehead that said I will never collect the money for my clients or extradite him should be washing his mouth out with soap.. I will be getting a special order to show cause of extradiction very shortly. It took It took 15 years before they got OJ. It only took us 5 years here.. I think thats pretty dam good for a third world country...
There are are few of you like itnotsobad that give out reliable and honest information that can back it up with statistics and proof. I would appreciate the rule of thumb here. If you don't know the answer thats okay don't guess at it. It just makes it harder for the Americans in the USA to follow instructions on how to become legal.. Thanks If you have any questions email at [email protected]
PS: Those of you that emailed me about your dealings with Jame Cheek is well appreciated. The one Knucklehead that said I will never collect the money for my clients or extradite him should be washing his mouth out with soap.. I will be getting a special order to show cause of extradiction very shortly. It took It took 15 years before they got OJ. It only took us 5 years here.. I think thats pretty dam good for a third world country...