Granted that a definitive answer will require the advice of an attorney, but I would like to know if anyone on the forum has any information or experience in the matter of wills and Ecuador. Specifically, I am wondering whether my holographic will that is in KY would be honored here in Ecuador with regards to the property that I own in Ecuador. (I am a US citizen with residency in EC.) Also, regardless of a will, in KY all marital property is owned 50% by each spouse and upon the death of one spouse all marital property would belong 100% to the surviving spouse. My spouse still resides in KY, so I have assumed all along that the property I own here in EC is marital property and would be treated the same as property in KY. But I realize that I have no factual basis for that assumption. I wonder, for example, whether it would be prudent to register a will here in Ecuador, or if that is even possible? And while we are on the topic, what sort of estate taxes, if any, would the government of EC collect?