Ecuador, social gap between women and men decreased according to latest census
Ecuador, 42% of inhabitants of Manabi province live in Portoviejo, Manta, and Montecristi cantons
The cantons Portoviejo, Manta
Ecuador, mestizos makeup the majority or Ecuadorian population according to statistics
Ecuador selects new ambassador for the U.S.
The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, yesterday appointed its current coordinating minister of Production, Employment and Competitiveness, Nathalie Cely, as the new ambassador to the United States. The appointment comes after that Quito and Washington withdrew their respective ambassadors in April following a dispute over a U.S. Cable booked on alleged corruption in the Ecuadorian [...]
Ecuador, escape to the top of the world at Ali Shungu Mountain Top Lodge
Ecuador, social gap between women and men decreased according to latest census
Ecuador, 42% of inhabitants of Manabi province live in Portoviejo, Manta, and Montecristi cantons
The cantons Portoviejo, Manta
Ecuador, mestizos makeup the majority or Ecuadorian population according to statistics
Ecuador selects new ambassador for the U.S.
The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, yesterday appointed its current coordinating minister of Production, Employment and Competitiveness, Nathalie Cely, as the new ambassador to the United States. The appointment comes after that Quito and Washington withdrew their respective ambassadors in April following a dispute over a U.S. Cable booked on alleged corruption in the Ecuadorian [...]
Ecuador, escape to the top of the world at Ali Shungu Mountain Top Lodge