On August 31st, an attorney I work with to help clients with their VISA´s after the close of their real estate here in Ecuador sent me the following and I thought I would share. So many people wonder what is required and the requirements seem to change so often. The following is what he said would be needed. Just FYI.
If the investment is in real estate:
Sales deed registered in the Registro de la Propiedad (Property Registration Office), in which an amount of minimum $25,000 is stated, and increased in $500 for each dependent relative;
Updated certificate of paid taxes issued in the name of the applicant. (we are registering your deed now)
"Certificado de Gravamanes" granted by REgistro de la Propiedad after your Deed has been registered
Valid municipal tax certificate, in which the commercial value of the property is stated, with a minimum of $25,000 dollars of the United States of America. (after your deed has been registered)
Notarized copy of valid passport (with valid legal stay, and a minimum of 30 days before the final date of legal stay in Ecuador).
Two photographs of the interested party (passport size, white background).
"Movimiento Migratorio" which is granted by Policia de Migracion in Guayaquil, it is a document showing a history of all your entries in Ecuador.
Copy of water or electricity or phone bill.
[email protected]
If the investment is in real estate:
Sales deed registered in the Registro de la Propiedad (Property Registration Office), in which an amount of minimum $25,000 is stated, and increased in $500 for each dependent relative;
Updated certificate of paid taxes issued in the name of the applicant. (we are registering your deed now)
"Certificado de Gravamanes" granted by REgistro de la Propiedad after your Deed has been registered
Valid municipal tax certificate, in which the commercial value of the property is stated, with a minimum of $25,000 dollars of the United States of America. (after your deed has been registered)
Notarized copy of valid passport (with valid legal stay, and a minimum of 30 days before the final date of legal stay in Ecuador).
Two photographs of the interested party (passport size, white background).
"Movimiento Migratorio" which is granted by Policia de Migracion in Guayaquil, it is a document showing a history of all your entries in Ecuador.
Copy of water or electricity or phone bill.
[email protected]