Just because you are moving to Ecuador doesn't mean your Medicare goes away. You can still use it but you have to travel to the US. Below is a list compiled by Connie Pombo, who also wrote a book on moving to Ecuador, I have found to be invaluable. It's $3.00 for a Kindle edition on Amazon and you can download a Kindle app from Amazon for free that runs on any computer.
The insurance list she provided is:
Nova Ecuador: www.novaecuador.com
Humana: www.humana.com.ec/
Pan American Life: http://www.panamericanlife.com/
Salud: www.saludsa.com
Bupa: www.bupa.com World Trip: www.worldtrip.com
Contact information for NovaEcuador in Cuenca: Martha D. Garate Jefe Regional Austro Av. Solano y Av. 12 de Abril Esq. Edif. Banco Pichincha, Piso 4. Tel.: 07-283-5828. Martha Garate speaks English
Pombo, Connie (2011-04-06). Living and Retiring in Cuenca: 101 Questions Answered (Kindle Locations 660-668). www.thebestoflivingandretiringinecuador.com. Kindle Edition.
The insurance list she provided is:
Nova Ecuador: www.novaecuador.com
Humana: www.humana.com.ec/
Pan American Life: http://www.panamericanlife.com/
Salud: www.saludsa.com
Bupa: www.bupa.com World Trip: www.worldtrip.com
Contact information for NovaEcuador in Cuenca: Martha D. Garate Jefe Regional Austro Av. Solano y Av. 12 de Abril Esq. Edif. Banco Pichincha, Piso 4. Tel.: 07-283-5828. Martha Garate speaks English
Pombo, Connie (2011-04-06). Living and Retiring in Cuenca: 101 Questions Answered (Kindle Locations 660-668). www.thebestoflivingandretiringinecuador.com. Kindle Edition.