The answers:
1) Because some folks do not want you to be knowledgable.
2) Because some folks do not want you to be fully informed.
The question:
1) Why?
As in, why is it that when I simply post for informational purposes that IL banned me from attending their IL Conference in Quito (it's in writing) that apologists for IL jump out of the woodwork and make up bold-faced lies about me being escorted out of last year's conference? An allegation which I easily refuted in a separate thread and for which many attendees who are still both clients and friends, can readily vouch. Why? What is it that they do not want you to know?
Why is it that when I, in the most general, vanilla, generic terms possible, illustrate an example of how an innocent was recently misinformed, misguided and misled into purchasing a property at a ridiculously high price for the asset/real property, in question, that a small minion of apologists jump out in defense of such tactics, accusing me of everything short of being the guy that shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater? Why do they feel the need to try and drag my name in the mud, by avoiding the subject and pulling out a silly string of misinformed accusations on unrelated topics. Why? What do they have to hide? They were not part of the transaction. Could they be distracting everyone from the real issue...people here pretend to be your friend...pretend to know everything about everything...steer you towards bad decisions that personally benefit them and then leave you holding the bag. Ask...why? Why would someone want to silence me from discussing in even the vaguest of terms such transgressions. Why?
Folks...take your best shot. I have always said real estate is the second biggest "blood sport" in the world. Second to only politics. I have been involved in real estate since I was 20. I have been involved in politics, since I was 12... working as a gofer "runner", dropping pamphlets.... getting lunch orders.... stacking chairs, at that age of 12. Went on to be involved in "behind the scenes" politics for a long, long time., at the local, county, state and national level. Point is...remember the two answers...and... more importantly, do not forget to ask the question. Because on a political barometer of 1-10, we haven't even hit Defcon 1 yet. It is going to get much uglier...but I am not going away. I am not going to be intimidated. I am not going to stand by and see good people / clients hurt and misguided, the way things happen here all too often, even if it is still, thankfully, the exception, rather than the rule. Just remember.... why?
Hector G. Quintana "HGQ"
[email protected]
As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. ---Josh Billings
1) Because some folks do not want you to be knowledgable.
2) Because some folks do not want you to be fully informed.
The question:
1) Why?
As in, why is it that when I simply post for informational purposes that IL banned me from attending their IL Conference in Quito (it's in writing) that apologists for IL jump out of the woodwork and make up bold-faced lies about me being escorted out of last year's conference? An allegation which I easily refuted in a separate thread and for which many attendees who are still both clients and friends, can readily vouch. Why? What is it that they do not want you to know?
Why is it that when I, in the most general, vanilla, generic terms possible, illustrate an example of how an innocent was recently misinformed, misguided and misled into purchasing a property at a ridiculously high price for the asset/real property, in question, that a small minion of apologists jump out in defense of such tactics, accusing me of everything short of being the guy that shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater? Why do they feel the need to try and drag my name in the mud, by avoiding the subject and pulling out a silly string of misinformed accusations on unrelated topics. Why? What do they have to hide? They were not part of the transaction. Could they be distracting everyone from the real issue...people here pretend to be your friend...pretend to know everything about everything...steer you towards bad decisions that personally benefit them and then leave you holding the bag. Ask...why? Why would someone want to silence me from discussing in even the vaguest of terms such transgressions. Why?
Folks...take your best shot. I have always said real estate is the second biggest "blood sport" in the world. Second to only politics. I have been involved in real estate since I was 20. I have been involved in politics, since I was 12... working as a gofer "runner", dropping pamphlets.... getting lunch orders.... stacking chairs, at that age of 12. Went on to be involved in "behind the scenes" politics for a long, long time., at the local, county, state and national level. Point is...remember the two answers...and... more importantly, do not forget to ask the question. Because on a political barometer of 1-10, we haven't even hit Defcon 1 yet. It is going to get much uglier...but I am not going away. I am not going to be intimidated. I am not going to stand by and see good people / clients hurt and misguided, the way things happen here all too often, even if it is still, thankfully, the exception, rather than the rule. Just remember.... why?
Hector G. Quintana "HGQ"
[email protected]
As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. ---Josh Billings