Thanks luckydawg for the phone call this morning to Ecuador. I was wrong about you and I want to apologize.. I would love to hire your Counsin Vinny from Phila to come down here and take care of the real estate crook James Cheek... I am still using honey instead of vinegar at this point... Some of you emailed me last night real late with some great ideas of tracking his moves and executing on him in the night... I appreciate your ex-military Re-Con mission patrol parties...At this point he is getting more leads in from Google and I can't stop the future real estate theft he is doing.. I know from a source he is trying to close another transaction in the next two weeks in Crucita Ecuador.. He poured concrete down some of the pipes to get rid of another client on top of the hill.. The Canadians and the other Germans have eamiled me with his marketing schemes... I will start a campaign on Google and see what i can do to stop any future theft. If anyone else can help me post some remarks about James Cheek, and Blogs about him on Face Book, Twitter, Travel Advisor, craigslist, International Living, He is getting allot of leads from International Living.. I think he gives them kickbacks for each lead they send them.. I appreciate any help... There is a pending murder case in Minnesota involving him and his ex-boss... I ran a complete Lexis Nexis, Merlins, and Choicepoint, report along with a third level Fidelifacts Rap Sheet and came back with pending actions check kiting, credit card fraud, and few other misdermeanor charges of misconduct in the USA on him. He is the next Bernie Madoff of Ecuador Persistence overcomes Resistance