So I did a ton of research on countries and cities to relocate to, Cuenca rated as one of the top. I sold everything and moved here and there were a few surprises. I don't recall people mentioning the smog and terrible pollution from all of these huge buses that run all over downtown. I had planned on walking everywhere but I can't escape it. I thought Sacramento, CA had it bad. Another thing is this "parasite" or whatever it is. I washed my fruit and veggies and still ended up sick. I have only been here 3 weeks and I've been extremely sick (vomiting ect) for over a week now. I spent 8 hrs yesterday in the ER for IV fluids and antibiotics. I was very impressed by the medical care and facilities by the way. But I'm still sick :-( I want to check out the coastal towns as well hoping for fresher air. I just do not recall any of the expat bloggers ever mentioning any of these things. A local Cuenca restaurant owner (also fellow Californian) advised me that I will get used to the pollution and that over time and several bouts I will become immune to this "Ameba" as he called it. I'm just feeling a little discouraged, does anyone have any suggestions?