We are about to attempt to drive from the airport in Quito to our hotel in Cuenca. Map shows 276 miles and bus takes 10 hours to drive it.
What can we expect? Can it be driven in, say, 8 hours? We read NOT to drive at night and that there are bandidos who will prey upon us.
Are we in real danger driving in the daylight? Again, can it be driven in daylight?
I read only about 25% of the roads are paved. Is this road paved? If not, how much is paved? What average speed should we expect to achieve? Is there food available enroute?
Any hints for good health, tips, facts, true stories would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.
We expect to drive on 3/5/2012. Or should we take a bus?
Thanks in advance!!
PS: this is our 1st time in Ecuador...