Hi All,
I am not sure if you are aware - but there is a big campaign to make Fiji waters a Shark Sanctuary. Currently there are SIX shark finning warehouses in Suva that we know of. Each warehouse can produce 1 ton of Shark Fin per month (which equals the death of 12,000 sharks per month - all taken from Fiji waters).
The act will :-
1)prohibit the commercial fishing of sharks throughout the entirety of the Fijian exclusive economic zone;
2)prohibit the import and export of shark products in Fiji;
3)prohibit the sale of shark products within Fiji;
4)allow recreational catch and release of sharks; and
allow the incidental, artisanal catch of sharks by citizens of Fiji, assuming the subsequent shark or shark products are not sold.
If you have time PLEASE sign the pledge at
Be sure to let everyone know. Sharks are one of Fiji's biggest tourist attractions - if this continues, in 2-4 years there will be no more sharks.
Many Thanks in advance for reading this post
I am not sure if you are aware - but there is a big campaign to make Fiji waters a Shark Sanctuary. Currently there are SIX shark finning warehouses in Suva that we know of. Each warehouse can produce 1 ton of Shark Fin per month (which equals the death of 12,000 sharks per month - all taken from Fiji waters).
The act will :-
1)prohibit the commercial fishing of sharks throughout the entirety of the Fijian exclusive economic zone;
2)prohibit the import and export of shark products in Fiji;
3)prohibit the sale of shark products within Fiji;
4)allow recreational catch and release of sharks; and
allow the incidental, artisanal catch of sharks by citizens of Fiji, assuming the subsequent shark or shark products are not sold.
If you have time PLEASE sign the pledge at
Be sure to let everyone know. Sharks are one of Fiji's biggest tourist attractions - if this continues, in 2-4 years there will be no more sharks.
Many Thanks in advance for reading this post