I have found that these web sites have been chocked full of helpful information on most nearly all subjects related to living in France.
http://www.service-public.fr/ (everything pertaining to life in France.)
http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/ 5laws, code civils, etc. in France.)
http://www.anpe.fr/index.jsp (National employment agency in France.)
http://www.ca-lorraine.fr/ (I highly recommend this bank.)
http://www.pagesblanches.fr/ (The French white pages.)
http://www.immobilier-notaires.presse.fr/ (Great site to find homes listed through a notary in all departments of France.)
http://www.creditfoncier.fr/ (Good bank to go through in order to secure a loan to buy a house.)
http://www.creditfoncier.fr/ (Helpful web site listing some informations for strangers living in France. However, I personally prefer "http://www.service-public.fr/" )
http://www.service-public.fr/ (everything pertaining to life in France.)
http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/ 5laws, code civils, etc. in France.)
http://www.anpe.fr/index.jsp (National employment agency in France.)
http://www.ca-lorraine.fr/ (I highly recommend this bank.)
http://www.pagesblanches.fr/ (The French white pages.)
http://www.immobilier-notaires.presse.fr/ (Great site to find homes listed through a notary in all departments of France.)
http://www.creditfoncier.fr/ (Good bank to go through in order to secure a loan to buy a house.)
http://www.creditfoncier.fr/ (Helpful web site listing some informations for strangers living in France. However, I personally prefer "http://www.service-public.fr/" )